
2009-12-11 1:44 am
(1) 陳Sir是我們的老師,李 Miss 是他們的老師
(2) 我是新來的,同大家一齊上課
(3) 他不是我們的同學
(4) 當治療師看完你的病況,今天或明天會打電話給你預約日期和時間回來
(5) 這裡是元朗大球場,不是香港大球場,你去錯地方

回答 (3)

2009-12-11 1:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) Mr Chan is our teacher, Miss Lee is their teacher.
(2) I am a new student, I am here to attend class together.
(3) He is not our classmate.
(4) When the therapists had finished reading your condition, he will make an appointment for you today or tomorrow.
(5) Here is Yuen Long Stadium, not Hong Kong Stadium, you go to the wrong place.

hope I can help you
^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
參考: ME
2009-12-12 8:04 am
(1) Chen Sir is our teacher, their teacher Miss Lee (2) I am a newcomer, together with all classes (3) He is not our students (4) When the therapist read your medical condition, today or tomorrow, will call you an appointment date and time of return (5) Here is the Yuen Long Stadium, not Hong Kong Stadium, you go to the wrong place
2009-12-12 4:04 am
(1) Chen Sir is our teacher, Li Miss is their teacher (2) I is comes newly, attends class with everybody (3) he is not in once our schoolmate (4) works as the therapist looked your patient's condition, today or tomorrow will telephone to give you to make an appointment the date and the time comes back (5) here will be the Yuen Long big field, will not be the Hong Kong big field, you will go to the wrong place
參考: me

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