What is a religion? Why do people have them? What are the things that most religions have?

2009-12-09 9:37 am

回答 (6)

2009-12-09 9:41 am
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All creations have systems & clear objectives in their life span, but we dont.

We need that connection to God to survive, we need his rules not ours. If it is left to human beings to make up their own rules, well, it will be a big mess. Simply because any group of people will just make up their own standards, and impose it on their neighbors and so on..Communes come to mind.

We were created from clay & spirit, you can avoid your spirit part but you cannot just get rid of it. It is their to stay no matter how far you go down the "Lick the earth" road.

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
2009-12-09 7:49 pm
Mankind’s need for religion


............. Once we know that the true religion is the divine support that directs the potentials of man, then we know that religion is also a protective shield for society, because human life can only be strong when there is co-operation among the members of society. This co-operation can only be achieved by means of a system that regulates the relationships between them, defines their duties and protects their rights. This system needs a deterrent that will deter one from transgressing and encourage one to follow the system, one that carries weight in people’s hearts and prevents them from overstepping its limits. What is this authority? I say that there is no power on earth that can match the power of religion in protecting the sanctity of the system, guaranteeing the coherence of society and the stability of its system, and providing the means of peace and security.

The reason for that is that man differs from all other living beings in that his voluntary actions and dealings are governed by something that can be neither seen nor heard, namely the religious belief that disciplines the heart and guides his faculties. Man is inevitably led by his belief, whether it is sound or corrupt. If his belief is sound, everything else will also be sound, but if it is corrupt then everything else will also be corrupt.

Belief and faith are the two things that regulate man and – as we can see in most cases – they are of two types:

- Belief in the importance of virtue and human dignity, and other abstract values which make noble souls feel ashamed to go against their principles even if they are spared the consequences of physical punishment.

- Belief in Allaah and that He is always watching and knows what is in our hearts, and that He knows secrets and that which is more hidden. The authority of sharee’ah is based on its commands and prohibitions, and makes a person feel shy before Allaah, either out of love for Him, or out of fear of Him, or both. Undoubtedly this type of faith is the stronger of the two and carries more weight in human hearts. It is more able to resist the storms of desire and the upheavals of emotion, and it has more effect on the hearts of the masses and the elite.

For this reason, religion is the best guarantee for ensuring that people will deal with one another on a basis of fairness and justice, and hence it is a social necessity. It comes as no surprise that the relationship of religion to the ummah is like that of the heart to the body. Nowadays we see that there are many religions in the world, and each people has its religion which they cling to. What is the true religion which will fulfil the aspirations of the human soul? What are the guidelines of the true religion?
2009-12-09 7:15 pm
Man's attempt to reach God.
People often feel they need to "earn" heaven, through "good" deeds or disciplines.
Rituals and practices.

Fortunately, God does not ask for religion but a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.

John 3:16-18
參考: Bible
2009-12-09 5:44 pm
Where the hell have you been mate?
2009-12-09 5:40 pm
2009-12-09 5:41 pm
What is Spirituality?
The quest for meaning and purpose is central to human existence. This search for meaning launches us on a journey in which all aspects of life – joys, sorrows, struggles, and successes – can become avenues to deeper understanding and purpose. Everything experienced along the journey plays a part in forming and fashioning our lives. Spirituality is the belief system of a person lived in relationship with the transcendent. A person’s spirituality may or may not incorporate the rituals, practices, and beliefs of a particular religious group however institutionalized religion does provide the setting in which personal spirituality is expressed and developed by billions of people around the world. Religion acknowledges both the communal dimension of spirituality and the place of tradition in the spiritual journey. It provides a connection to the wisdom and richness of the spiritual experiences of those who have gone before. Religion enables the tradition to come alive within experience and it calls the faith community to apply the tradition to the needs and hopes of the present.

What is Spiritual Care?

The search for meaning and purpose that defines our spirituality can sometimes feel like a solitary journey. Choosing to share this journey with others enables us to face emotions, limitations, and hopefully find a place for healing and growth.
Spiritual care is intended to support spiritual well being. It involves attentive listening and assistance in finding resources that may nurture spiritual health. It may involve:
§ seeking out leaders of various religious traditions to provide sacramental and ritual ministry
§ worship and prayer.

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