Explain how the Semitic religions differ from Hinduism and Buddhism.?

2009-12-09 9:25 am
Explain how the Semitic religions differ from Hinduism and Buddhism.

回答 (7)

2009-12-09 10:07 am
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First of all, in the Desert Messianic Faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, God gives Man Dominion over all other Creatures.

In the Oriental Faiths - Buddhism, Hinduism etc, God does no such thing. In fact, Man is just another one of the Creatures and must live in harmony with the rest.

In the Desert Messianic Faiths, there's a fictional Heaven and Hell. In the Oriental Faiths, there are no such places. Man dies and is reborn, if he/she died with the desperate desire to cling on to this Life, or moves on, if he/she did not cling on to this Life but let go, at that moment.

In the Desert Messianic Faiths, God is Heaven and is the Almighty Being controlling everything. In the Oriental Faiths, God is a stage in their evolution - a phase that all humans will achieve when they die and shed the mortal coil to ascend to the next plane.

There are a lot of other differences, but, essentially, they are merely finer nuances of these main ones.
2016-05-26 2:21 pm
The great Lollipop Giant came down from the heavens in 4500 BC to create Stonehenge which served as the foundation for most Semitic religions. Animals would serve as his messengers and would sacrifice people at that site in his name. Hinduism and Buddhism though, were founded by a well respected scholar who built an early shrine to the Great Octosquid, bestowing powers of youth and felicity upon all who meditated at its site. The two forms of religion are much different from one another in every way imaginable - one was based off a lollipop and the other was based off of an octopus.
2009-12-09 10:38 am
They both are different in all aspects and Poles apart. Semitic Religions are BELIEF oriented, Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism are SELF-EXPLORATION oriented. Belief system is primitive way of thinking and very difficult to accept the modern mind. They believe in Commands, Hell, Heaven and Angels. Buddhists, Hindus and Jainas encourage the idea of "Shraman Parampara" means to strive for the knowledge. For them hell and heaven are part of the mentality and not a real
entity. They also do not believe in any commands and dictats as life is ever changing and Change is eminent.
2009-12-09 9:28 am
By RANDALL CHASE, Associated Press Writer Randall Chase, Associated Press Writer – Fri Nov 20, 3:04 pm ET

WILMINGTON, Del. – The Catholic Diocese of Wilmington is obligated to pay retirement benefits to six priests who are confirmed pedophiles, church officials argued in a bankruptcy court filing seeking permission to keep making the payments.
2009-12-09 9:59 am
Semitic religions/Abrahamic faiths are sensible.

Watch debates, Hinduism vs Islam vs Christianity at times at Peace TV:

2009-12-09 9:29 am
Abrahamic/Semetic religions are far different, it's a more black and white perspective on the world and it never solves any problems.

Asian religions like Hinduism and Buddhism explain life and the nature of reality and existance in a comprehensive way (and enlightenment is a major theme). They're more of a philosophy than a religion and it can be changed.

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