B's CLiP 係咩黎? (15點!)

2009-12-09 10:44 pm
我呢幾日關電腦時出現左一個"B's CLiP 正在...."ge 對話盒出現,不能關機, 要我按"結束程式"先可以關機...

想問 B's CLiP 係咩黎?..

我之前又冇down過一樣叫做" B's CLiP "ge software...


回答 (1)

2009-12-09 11:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
B' CLiP is CD-R/RW writing software.

With B's CLiP, the data is written onto a disc using the packet writing method,
therefore you can write files onto a formatted CD-RW disc as you would onto a
floppy or other removable disks. You do not need the large amount of free space
required when recording in ISO9660 multisession. You only need to format the CDRW disc in the UDF file system before you can write onto it. However, discs that are formatted and written using B's CLiP can only be read on drives that support B's CLiP.

你是否安裝了 Sony 的 CD-R/RW 光碟讀寫機? B's CLip 是隨 Sony CD-R/RW 光碟讀寫機附送的光碟錄寫軟件。

可以參考 Sony Storage 的網頁及 User's Guide



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