剛剛拿p牌 (1、2牌),不知道可不可以在芬蘭和瑞士開車呢?

2009-12-09 6:40 pm
剛剛拿P牌 (1、2牌),打算明年2010年到芬蘭和瑞士旅行。不知道可不可以在芬蘭和瑞士開車呢?如果可以的話,除車牌外,還需要其他證明文件嗎?需不需掛"P牌"在車上?謝謝。




回答 (6)

2009-12-18 6:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
問:剛剛拿P牌 (1、2牌),打算明年2010年到芬蘭和瑞士旅行。不知道可不可以在芬蘭和瑞士開車呢?如果可以的話,除車牌外,還需要其他證明文件嗎?需不需掛 P牌 在車上?謝謝。
Information about Swiss:
Foreign driving licences
Drivers from abroad are permitted to drive a motor vehicle for a year in Switzerland, provided they have reached the minimum required age to drive (18 for motorcycles, light motor vehicles and trucks; 21 for commercial vehicles) and they have a valid national or international driving licence. Drivers who have an international driving licence may drive in Switzerland as long as they also have a driving licence from their country.
When is it necessary to obtain a Swiss driving licence?
In principle, only foreign national drivers who have been living in Switzerland for more than twelve months are required to obtain a Swiss driving licence. To do this, they need to pass a driving test (people from certain countries are exempt from this test). Foreign nationals who are professional drivers need to obtain a Swiss driving licence in the appropriate category before pursuing their professional activities in Switzerland. Applications for obtaining a Swiss driving licence need to be submitted at the Road Traffic Office in the canton of residence.
Temporary driving licence
Since 1 December 2005, new drivers having passed the mandatory driving test receive a temporary driving licence valid for three years. They will only be entitled to obtain a full unlimited driving licence once they have completed the additional driving courses now required and have passed the trial period expires without committing any major traffic violations.

Foreign driving license

2009-12-18 10:34:09 補充:
Exemption from the obligation to exchange a foreign driving license for a Swiss driving license applicable to members of the permanent missions (PM) and international organisations (IO)

2009-12-18 10:34:36 補充:
Persons who are exempted
The following categories are exempt from the obligation to exchange their foreign driving license for a Swiss driving license :
-Heads of mission (PM) - members of the senior management (IO) (holders of a "B" legitimation card),

2009-12-18 10:34:59 補充:
-Diplomatic agents (PM) - high ranking officials (IO) (holders of a "C" legitimation card),
-Administrative and technical staff members (PM) - officials in professional category (IO) (holders of a "D" legitimation card),

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-Service staff members (PM) - officials in general services (IO) (holders of an "E" legitimation card),
-Non-Swiss members of personnel of the ICRC (holders of an "I" legitimation card),
-Non-Swiss members of personnel of the IFRCS (holders of a "L" legitimation card),

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-Non-Swiss members of personnel of the permanent observer Mission of Palestine (holders of an "O" legitimation card).
-Members of the scientific personnel of the CERN.
-Family members who enjoy the same status (holders of a legitimation card or Ci permit)

2009-12-18 10:36:06 補充:
Holders of driving licenses in a language other than the official Swiss languages (French, German, Italian) or in English are advised to obtain an international driving license, available upon request and the payment of a fee, from the cantonal authority in their place of domicile (see details below

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Those persons wishing to obtain a Swiss driving licence in exchange for a foreign license must pass a test. However citizens of countries with which Switzerland has concluded an agreement on this matter

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(member states of the European Union, the United States, Japan, etc.) will be issued a driving license without having to submit to a test.The persons required to take a test should contact the cantonal authority in their place of domicile (see details below) with regard to the procedure.

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Persons who are not exempt
The following categories are not exempt from this obligation and must exchange their foreign driving license for a Swiss driving license :

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-Members of personnel with permanent residence in Switzerland (PM) (holders of an authorisation for residence or establishment – B or C permit),
-Private servants (PM/IO) (holders of a "F" legitimation card),

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-Persons without privileges or immunities (PM/IO) and non-civil servants staff (IO) (holders of a "H" legitimation card).

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Before a Swiss license will be issued in exchange for their license, these persons must pass a test, unless they are citizens of a country with which Switzerland has concluded an agreement on this matter (member states of the European Union, the United States, Japan, etc.).

2009-12-18 10:40:15 補充:
These persons should contact the cantonal authority in their place of domicile (see details below) with regard to the procedure.

Last modification: 01.07.2009

2009-12-18 10:40:25 補充:

2009-12-18 10:40:59 補充:
Information about Finland:

Foreign driving licence
Driving licences issued in another EU or EEA country and interim driving licences issued in the Nordic countries entitle the holder to drive motor vehicles in Finland equivalent to those indicated on the non-Finnish licence.

2009-12-18 10:42:24 補充:
The driver must be at least 18 years old. The right to drive is valid regardless of whether the person is in Finland as a tourist or residing permanently.

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A person residing permanently in a country that has signed the Geneva or Vienna Road Traffic Convention and who holds a national or international driving licence or an official Finnish or Swedish translation of a national driving licence

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is entitled to drive motor vehicles equivalent to those indicated on the non-Finnish licence for up to a year following entry into Finland, provided that the person fulfils the Finnish age requirement to drive such vehicles.

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The right to drive is based on the possession of a driving licence issued to a person living permanently in a country that has signed the Convention. A driving licence acquired in such a country during temporary residence (e.g. as an exchange student) does not entitle the holder to drive in Finland.

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Exchanging a driving licence issued in a country that has signed the Geneva or Vienna Road Traffic Convention

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A person holding a driving licence issued in a country that has signed the Geneva or Vienna Road Traffic Convention and who resides permanently in Finland may apply to exchange the licence for a class A1, A and B driving licence permit without the need for a new driving test.

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A driving licence permit application must be submitted to the police in person.

When applying for a driving licence permit, the following must be submitted:
-2 photographs (preferably black-and-white)
-a driving licence medical certificate (obtained no more than six months earlier)

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-a document stating that the applicant has been driving a car in Finland for at least six months
-a valid driving licence issued in a country that has signed the Convention (if the driving licence has been lost, a written account of how it was lost)

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-if a national driving licence does not comply with the specifications set out in the Convention or if it is written in a language the police cannot understand, an official Finnish or Swedish translation must be included along with the driving licence. At the police station,

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the applicant must fill in a driving licence application form and a form asking whether he or she already has a driving licence or is banned from driving in another EU or EEA country.

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A Finnish class B driving licence is issued as a permanent driving licence. The country that issued the original driving licence is entered on the Finnish driving licence.

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The driving licence holder must surrender both his or her national and international driving licence to the police when collecting the Finnish driving licence. The police will keep these licences and will return them only on request if the driving licence holder leaves the country,

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in which case the Finnish driving licence must be handed to the police in exchange.

The driving license permit must be applied for no later than six months after the last day in the time period where using the foreign driving license is valid for driving in Finland.

2009-12-18 10:47:29 補充:
Exchanging a foreign driving licence EUR 41


2009-12-18 10:52:08 補充:
回答者: edmond_lst ( 大學級 1 級 ) (回答001)...嚴重錯誤...錯了幾百次還是錯!

暫時不可以,因 P 牌不是正式的駕駛執照,不能領國際車牌,要滿一年後換正式駕駛執照,才可以申領國際牌,在外國駕駛。 <<<不知道就拜託你不要亂講!在歐洲、加拿大、美國、澳洲等地,持有有英文資訊、英文翻譯資料的駕駛執照,即可在國外使用3個月至1年不等!不用申請國際駕照!

2009-12-18 10:54:17 補充:
回答者: 天才博士 ( 大學級 1 級 ) (回答002)..完全錯誤...不知道就拜託你不要亂講!

申請國際牌要有三年正式駕照,所以你要甩p再過三年至得<<<大錯特錯!只要持有 香港正式駕駛執照、香港居民身分證,即可向運輸署申請國際駕駛執照!甚麼要三年才可以申請 = = 亂來!

2009-12-18 10:59:08 補充:
回答者: j_hungary002 ( 碩士級 3 級 ) (回答004)...完全錯誤...

You can only drive in Switzerland only when you have the following license<<<錯...持有 EU USA JP 等國駕照,又具有他們的永久居民身分才可以免試換領Class A & B 駕照。而持有外國駕照,可以在瑞士使用一年!

i been to swiss many time and i have a swedish license <<< 很顯然是你的資訊錯誤!
參考: 芬蘭警察部門+瑞士聯邦政府+我是一個擁有中 港 澳 台駕照的人士+經驗談
2009-12-15 3:18 am
剛剛拿P牌 (1、2牌),打算明年2010年到芬蘭和瑞士旅行。不知道可不可以在芬蘭和瑞士開車呢?如果可以的話,除車牌外,還需要其他證明文件嗎?需不需掛"P牌"在車上?謝謝。

There are no P in swiss. Infact swiss have one of the most strict driving law law in the world.

You can only drive in Switzerland only when you have the following license

1.) US Driving license
2.) EU Driving License
3.) Japanese Driving License
4.) International License with Special Driving Privileges

If you do not hold those license, you did not have exemption on Swiss road. Thus you cannot drive, you can only drive 3 months in swiss using International License, you will be considered a PM in swiss and a swiss license is required

i know nothing about norway driving rules tho.i been to swiss many time and i have a swedish license
2009-12-12 6:33 pm
2009-12-12 12:52 am
2009-12-11 12:18 am
2009-12-09 7:09 pm
暫時不可以,因 P 牌不是正式的駕駛執照,不能領國際車牌,要滿一年後換正式駕駛執照,才可以申領國際牌,在外國駕駛。

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