2009-12-09 1:22 am
QUESTION: Why did he stop liking me???

About 3 1/2 months ago, my boyfriend and I broke up. We were so good together. We liked each other soooo much. Here is what happened. He leaned in for a kiss and I turned my face away and said "maybe when it feels right". He walked away. Im sure he was embarrased. I was embarrased for him. I didnt kiss him because I wasnt feeling it. Im not sure why. Im not a prude at all lol but I just didnt kiss him. So, I texted him, "Why are you ignoring me, and do you want to break up?". He said "I havent been ignoring you, Ive been busy. And i wasnt even sure we were dating, and it feels awkward". I said "ok".

I knew then that he wanted to end our "relationship" I was so sad but I thought maybe if I told him how I felt he would come back. I texted him a two paragraph letter saying that I was sorry I didnt kiss him. I told him he just caught me by surprise. I also told him I still liked him but if he didnt like me I would get over it. And guess what? He still ignored. He was never "busy". He ignored me. And never replied back

But heres the thing: NOW, HE LIKES ME! He follow me on his bike. Well, used to. I made fun of him when he hit his ballsack so...yeah. And he recently asked me how my date with with Chris. And He was jealous because I thought I was dating Billy. So yeah. He likes me now but I want to know why he stoped liking me THEN!

回答 (9)

2009-12-09 1:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
He probably stopped liking you because he's immature and can't take it like a man when a girl isn't ready to kiss him. And if he reacts like that over something as silly as a kiss, then he'd probably be even worse if a girl told him she wasn't ready for sex. He should have just said "Okay" and respected you, and instead he ran away like a little *****. You're well rid of him.
2009-12-09 9:26 am
that is supposed to be an exclamation point(!) at the end.
參考: Grammar
2009-12-09 9:31 am
he's an @$$ if the rejection of a kiss will turn him off that bad, imagine what he will do if u say u don't want to have sex yet. Forget him, it's his loss.
2009-12-09 9:30 am
Are you sure he really liked you as much as you liked him?

From his reply "i am not even sure we were dating and it feels awkward" to me seems like he wasn't comfortable around you in the first place and that you two weren't actually boyfriend and girlfriend.

Sounds like you two got your lines of communication mixed up to me, sorry.
2009-12-09 9:29 am
maybe because you shot him down?
2009-12-09 9:28 am
get over him;
if you didn't feel him then
you won't be feeling him now.

it's best to end things, if from the
start you aren't with it.
2009-12-09 9:28 am
screw him..he's obviously not worth it and doesnt' deserve you

trust me, there are PLENTY of guys out there who would treat u right..u shouldn't compromise and u sure as hell should not settle for less..GO FIND HIM!, gurl and dump this loser's **** =]
參考: xox
2009-12-09 9:27 am
maybe cuz nobody knows how to answer the question.
and cuz they see the same question over and over again..
2009-12-09 9:29 am
he stopped liking you, cause you F-ed up! you could have handled the kissing situation better. That probably made him embarrassed, and every time he thinks of you, he just gets flashbacks on that memory. it haunts him. anyways, if he keeps ignoring you, then move on.

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