
2009-12-09 6:58 am
你好, 吾該幫我將以下依段中文翻譯做英文
吾該哂, 麻煩哂!thanks a lot!

在這個活動當中, 我最深印象同最鍾意的是填充這個環節
因為可以運用剛剛學過用來形容性格的詞語, 學以致用

經過今次的活動後, 不但能學到更多的詞語, 而且也大大提升我學英文的熱誠
另外, 還可以幫助及改善我作文的技巧

我好鍾意今次的活動, 因為不用只於沉悶的課堂上學習,

回答 (10)

2009-12-09 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
同意002你應該也寫個draft才問,不過見你寫中文都有點文路 (不過今次活動出現了三次,每段開始都一樣,要改善),又見elite.co.jp的唔係英文翻譯,真怕你學壞,試下幫你一次。我會記住你,看完記住自己再給篇文加些深度才交功課,否則便看不到你有何寫作改善。首先建議你把第三段作為第一段開始。

During the exercise, the section on "fill-in the blanks" was most memorable. I can practise using the adjectives learnt on describing characters.

After this exercise, not only have I learnt more vocabularies, it has raised my enthusiasm in learning English. In addition, it has helped improve my writing skills.

I like this kind of activities because I can learn more through the exercise instead of just listening in class, which is really boring.

2009-12-16 2:49 am
在這個活動當中, 我最深印象同最鍾意的是填充這個環節
因為可以運用剛剛學過用來形容性格的詞語, 學以致用

經過今次的活動後, 不但能學到更多的詞語, 而且也大大提升我學英文的熱誠
另外, 還可以幫助及改善我作文的技巧

我好鍾意今次的活動, 因為不用只於沉悶的課堂上學習,

In this campaign, I am most impressed with Sagittarians are filled this session
Because you can use just learned used to describe the character of the word, learn-by-

After the events, not only can learn a lot more words, but also a marked increase in my passion for learning English
On the other hand, can also help and tips for improving my composition

I'm so nice in this activity, because not only boring classroom learning,
It is now possible through activities to get the knowledge
2009-12-14 4:43 am
In this activity, when I made the deepest impression is filled with the most favored by this aspect
Because they can use just learned the words used to describe the character of applying their knowledge and

After this event, not only can learn more words, but also greatly enhance the enthusiasm of my learning English
In addition, you can help and improve my writing skills

I better go by this event, because you do not only on the dull classroom learning,
Now to get the knowledge through activities
參考: 我自己
2009-12-14 2:53 am
In this activity, when I made the deepest impression is filled with the most favored by this aspect
Because they can use just learned the words used to describe the character of applying their knowledge and

After this event, not only can learn more words, but also greatly enhance the enthusiasm of my learning English
In addition, you can help and improve my writing skills

I better go by this event, because you do not only on the dull classroom
Now to get the knowledge through activities
2009-12-11 4:58 am
In this activity, when I made the deepest impression is filled with the most favored by this aspect
Because they can use just learned the words used to describe the character of applying their knowledge and

After this event, not only can learn more words, but also greatly enhance the enthusiasm of my learning English
In addition, you can help and improve my writing skills

I better go by this event, because you do not only on the dull classroom learning,
Now to get the knowledge through activities
參考: me
2009-12-10 5:16 am
Middle this activity, what I most imprint likely with most Zhong Yi is fills this link, because might utilize just studied has used for to describe that the disposition the words and expressions, studied for the purpose of application

After this's activity, not can only learn more words and expressions, moreover also greatly promotes me to study English sincerely other, but may also help and improve my thesis the skill

My good Zhong Yi this's activity, because does not need only to study in the sad classroom, now may penetrate the activity to obtain the knowledge
參考: me
2009-12-09 10:24 am


2009-12-09 8:09 am
After this event, not only can learn more words, but also greatly enhance the enthusiasm In addition, I learn English, you can help and improve my writing skills I liked this activity because not only was a dull classroom learning activities can now be obtained through knowledge of

2009-12-09 00:10:21 補充:
應該無咩錯 ^0^
2009-12-09 7:14 am
請您自己用英文寫作, 這樣才能提昇英語的能力!
2009-12-09 7:07 am
Because my deepest impression makes up for this part in this activity because it can operate the learning of the use just with Italy's of the clock and the description of words and phrases of the character, it learns and the actuality is put to use.

It is possible to improve it by learning English zeal additionally, and helping the technique of my composition in addition by only can learn more words and phrases after an inferior activity now is passed promoting me very much on that.

Only to learn without acting inferior the now of Italy of my good clock, and using it on a gloomy classroom, now.
It can be passed to come to obtain knowledge acting.

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