present perfect tense幾時用???急

2009-12-09 4:12 am
present perfect tense幾時用???


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2009-12-09 4:53 am
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Present Perfect Tense

簡易記法是:過去 + 現在。

用於以下 3 種情況:

1 剛發生的事情 (仍屬現在中的過去):
He has just left. Should I call him back?

2 已發生了但仍影響到現在的事情:
I have broken my leg. Can you help me to get up?

若事情對現在已無影響,則應用 Simple Past Tense.
I broke my leg last month, but I feel perfectly OK now.

3 從過去到現在共發生了多少次:
I have seen him here many times.
He has loved only one woman throughout his life.
She has never danced on the stage.

2009-12-09 4:32 am
present perfect tense use in:

1.already(has do that), yet(hasn't do that)

a. I have already done my homework.

b. Flaska hasn't bought the conical flask yet.

c. Unununium has been discovered already.

2. Have you ever / How many times

a. Have you ever used litmus paper?
No, I haven't.

b. How many times have you mixed solutions?
I have mixed solutions once.
3. Hidden "already" or "yet" meaning

a. Helium has been discovered.
參考: me
2009-12-09 4:23 am
This has three kind of times may use:
1) already completed still has the connection movement or the condition with present;
2) already starts in the past and continues to the present movement or the condition;
3) has experienced movement or condition.

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