尋 The yo -yo man by anne logan

2009-12-09 3:20 am
The yo -yo man by anne logan 詩詞

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2009-12-09 4:29 am
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The Yo-yo Man by Anne Logan

There’s a man I know
Who roams the land
With a bright red yo-yo
In his hand!
He twirls it here,
He twirls it there,
He twirls that yo-yo
He spins it up,
He spins it down,
He spins it all
Around the town!
He whirls his yo-yo
Low and high,
Until it nearly
Hits the sky!
He whips it
Round and round his head,
He even whizzes it
In bed!
And when he slides
Beneath the sheet,
He even yo-yos
In his sleep!

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:58:40
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