Chem solution in Brown bottle

2009-12-09 2:50 am
Please list out all chemical solution that need to store in brown bottle.
It's for CE Level and please answer it in English

Also please give the reasons for storing in brown bottle, thx

回答 (3)

2009-12-09 6:53 am
✔ 最佳答案

Concentated Nitric acid (HNO3) is easily decomposed by light to give acid gas molecules which might have chocking smell, so it is required to store in brown bottles.

Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) solution is also required to store in the brown bottles, exposing under light may decompose.

2KMnO4(aq)→K2MnO4(aq)+MnO2(aq)+O2(g) (this is not required in CE)

Chlorine blanch, ie sodium hypochlorite may be required to store in brown bottles also, because it decomposes under sunlight:


參考: 我考的CE Chem,高錳酸鉀反應式自
2009-12-11 2:19 am
Whenever a chemical solution is UV sensitive or photoreactive , it must be stored in a brown glass bottle otherwise it will react to change to a different chemical in a short time . Such are chlorine water , bromine water , iodine solution , H2O2 , quine solution , silver nitrate , potassium permanganate , ..............& etc . Cannot list out all !!
2009-12-09 6:05 am
I just know two Conc. HNO3 and MnO4-
brown bottles are used to reduce the rate of decomposition
參考: ME

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