「明令」是甚麼意思 ?
回答 (2)
The production of such agricultural means of production as pesticides, veterinary drugs and agricultural machinery, which the State has publicly ordered to be obsolete, shall be forbidden.
禁止生产国家明令淘汰的农药、兽药、农业机械等农业生产资料。禁止生產國家明令淘汰的農藥、獸藥、農業機械等農業生產資料。" Never mind that polygamy is illegal in all 50 states. " Never mind that polygamy is illegal in all 50 states.
In 393 AD Emperor Theodosius I, who was a Christian, banned the Games as pagan shows. In 393 AD Emperor Theodosius I, who was a Christian, banned the Games as pagan shows.
[8] A resolution demanding that the Kuomintang government convene a national assembly and establish a constitutional government at a fixed date was passed at the Fourth Session of the People's Political Council in September 1939, on the proposal of the Communist Party and the democrats of other parties and groups. [8] A resolution demanding that the Kuomintang government convene a national assembly and establish a constitutional government at a fixed date was passed at the Fourth Session of the People's Political Council in September 1939, on the proposal of the Communist Party and the democrats of other parties and groups.
In 1951, the Central People's Government promulgated the Directives on the Handling of the Titles, Names of Places, Tablets and Signboards Which Are Discriminative and Insulting to Ethnic Minorities. In 1951, the Central People's Government promulgated the Directives on the Handling of the Titles, Names of Places, Tablets and Signboards Which Are Discriminative and Insulting to Ethnic Minorities.
1951年,中央人民政府颁布《关于处理带有歧视或侮辱少数民族性质的称谓、地名、碑碣、匾联的指示》, 明令废止对少数民族带有歧视性、侮辱性的称谓、地名等。1951年,中央人民政府頒布《關於處理帶有歧視或侮辱少數民族性質的稱謂、地名、碑碣、匾聯的指示》, 明令廢止對少數民族帶有歧視性、侮辱性的稱謂、地名等。
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