香港機場check in counter 問題

2009-12-08 6:50 pm
我將會搭07:00 機, 咁係咪即係大約05:00 要去check-in?

我想問香港機場的check-in counter 係幾點開架?
因為我見mtr 的check-in counter 係0530 先開的, 唔知機場入面的counter 會唔會唔一樣?

我想搭機鐵, 但係佢0550 先係香港站開頭班車, 到機場已經係0615啦, 我怕check-in counter 已經closed....

回答 (2)

2009-12-09 12:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
我將會搭07:00 機, 咁係咪即係大約05:00 要去check-in?
無錯, 你一家要起飛前2小時到機場check in counter 取登機証. 就算你做online check in , 你都係快少少 + mark左個 seat 位, 唔會快好多, 因為你點都要去check in counter 取登機証. check in counter 會在起飛前50分鐘就停止為你辦理 check in. 所以唔係話有人係求就會幫你check in.

我想問香港機場的check-in counter 係幾點開架?
check-in counter 幾點開係睇你搭邊一班機, 佢地一定會在起飛前2.5小時開check in counter, 就算班機飛半夜三更都係一樣咁做.

因為我見mtr 的check-in counter 係0530 先開的, 唔知機場入面的counter 會唔會唔一樣?

我想搭機鐵, 但係佢0550 先係香港站開頭班車, 到機場已經係0615啦, 我怕check-in counter 已經closed....
你可以搭機場巴士,佢地係通霄都有. 如果你搭機鐵 咁你一定會送機尾.
2009-12-08 7:45 pm
Check if you can check-in over the internet within 24 hours before departure. Most airlines allow that.

The airlines I am working for, we can check-in online and print out the boarding pass. So when you go to the airport, you do not have to line up. If you have a luggage to check-in, you can still be faster.

If you do not have a printer, you can print out the boarding pass at the airport kiosk.

There is always someone at ticket counter. But departure gate will not open until about an hour or 45 minutes before departure.

If you check-in at home, as long as you arrive the airport 1 - 1:30 hour before departure, you are good.

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