Air-conditioner ??

2009-12-08 3:44 pm
Would you mind switching a little bit below the sir-conditioner? I am shuddering.
Would you mind if I turn a little bit above the sir-conditioner? as there is sweat on my back.
May I turn back default the air-conditioner? It is so many people here?

How about the sentences above grammar have problems

回答 (5)

2009-12-08 10:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) 介不介意幫我調細一點冷氣,我打緊冷震。
Would you mind turning the air-conditioning down a little bit? I am shivering.

*turning the air-conditioner down 都得。
*如果想用 above/below, 可以講: would you mind setting the air-conditioning a little bit above the current temperature?
*shilvering比較 shuddering 洽當,因為可以解凍到震,而 shuddering 解驚到震。

(2) 不介意如果我調大一點冷氣,我背出晒汗。
Would you mind turning the air-conditioning up a little bit? I am sweating (on my back).
*turning the air-conditioner up 都得。
* 通常淨講 I am sweating 就夠,唔駛講明邊度出汗。

(3) 我可不可以調回系統設定的温度,因這裏太多人.

As there are so many people here, may I turn the air-conditioner to the pre-set temperature?

*pre-set 比較 default 洽當,而且要講明係 temperature。
*so many people 係眾數,要用 there are,又唔可以用 they are。

2009-12-09 08:50:39 補充:
講凍D 同熱 D,如果用 temperature 或者 thermostat 嘅字眼,up, higher, increase, above 等字都解熱D,down, lower, decrease, below 等字都解凍D。

如果用 air-conditioner (air-conditioning) 做字眼,up 解凍D, down 解熱 (暖) D。

如果用 heater 做字眼,up 解熱D, down 解凍 D。

參考: myself
2009-12-16 1:04 am
1.Would you mind switch a little bit below the air-conditioner? I am shuddering.
2.Would you mind if I turn a little bit above the sir-conditioner?As there is sweat on my back.
3.May I turn back default the air-conditioner because it is so many people here.
2009-12-09 8:40 am
要將冷氣調凍D,是turn up 定係turn down 呢?
原來用Turn up嘅人,佢哋嘅意思係加大風扇的速度.
而用turn down嘅人,佢哋嘅意思係降低温度.
所以當人講turn up the AC時,他們都要聽下一句是I am shivering/freezing 或I am sweating來决定凍定暖.
所以用turn down the temperature 比較保險.
2009-12-09 2:01 am
1. 介不介意幫我調細一點冷氣,我打緊冷震..
Would you mind increasing the temperature of the air-conditioner? I am shivering.

2. 介不介意如果我調大一點冷氣,我背出晒汗
Would you mind lowering the temperature of the air-conditioner? I am perspiring.

3. 我可不可以調回系統設定的温度,因這裏太多人.
There are so many people here. May I switch the air-conditioner back to its pre-set
2009-12-08 9:30 pm
would you mind turning the temperature of air- con. down a little bit ?
would you mind increasing the the temperature of air- con a little bit?

May I turn back the default of air-conditioner? It is so many people here?

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