關於cash flow一問

2009-12-08 7:05 am
用indirect method做cash flow時,係cash generated from operation 度要減去dividend paid or interest paid先計算到net cash flow from operating activities,我明白係因為支出左所以cash flow度 要減,但係其實I/S所計出黎的profit before tax已經減左一次interest paid啦,咁做cash flow時用profit before tax個數再減多次interest paid 咪會double囉?點解會咁,有冇人可以幫下我?

回答 (2)

2009-12-09 7:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實, 係 cash flow statement 中, cash flow from operating activities 一項下面,會加返個 interest expense:

Profit before taxation XXX
Adjustments for:
Interest expense XXXX

之後再係 cash generated from operations 下面,減返同一個數

cash generated from operations XXXXXXX
less: interest paid (XXXX)

由於一加一減互相抵銷,所以對 cash flow from operating activities 其實無 effect

詳細可以參考 Hong Kong Accounting Standard 7 Cash Flow Statements 係最後 Appendix A 有個 sample cash flow statement (Page 15 of Appendix A):

2009-12-11 3:01 am
Please note that statement of comprehensive income (previously known as income statement) is prepared on accrual basis and statement of cash flow is prepared on cash basis.

For example, Company A has interest expenses of $200 in 2009. However, there was an amount of $100 accrued interest in 2008 and that of $50 in 2009. The profit for the year after deduction of interest expenses of $200 is $1000.

Because the profit of $1,000 is obtained after deduction of $200 interest exspense. In cash flow statement, the interest will be adjusted as follows:

Profit for the year......................................$1,000
Adjustment for:
- Interest expenses.......................................200
Other adjusted items.....................................

Less interest paid ($200+$100-$50)...............(250)

Interest expenses in the statement of comprehensive income is calculated on accrual basis.

Interest paid in the statement of cash flow is calculated on cash basis which is actual cash outflow during the year. In this case, Company A paid the accrual interest in 2008 for $100 and paid interest for 2009 only $150 ($50 is still outstanding at the balance sheet date). Therefore, actual outflow of interest is $250.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 20:49:51
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