
2009-12-08 3:17 am
1)The percentage profit is 16% when a product is sold for $725.
(a)Find the cost of the product.
(b)To obtain a percentage profit of 40%,what should the selling price be?

2)A camera manufacturer sold a digital camera to an audio video shop for 22% more than the cost.The audio video shop sold the digital camera to a customer for $10309 and made a profit of 30%.
(a)Find the cost of the digital camera for the audio video shop.
(b)Find the cost of the digital camera for the manufacturer.
(c)If the manufacturer sells the camera to the customer directly for $10075, what is the percentage profit?

3)An electrical appliances store is ready to close down.An electrical fan is sold at a loss of 40% for $242. A washing machine is sold for $2541 and the percentage loss is 16%.
(a)What are the respective costs of the electrical fan and the washing machine?
(b)What is the overall percentage loss?

回答 (2)

2009-12-08 6:18 am
✔ 最佳答案

(1)(a) Let the cost be $x
Profit 16% = (725 - x) / x *100%
0.16x = 725 - x
1.16x = 725
x = 625
The cost is $625
(b) for 40% profit, the selling price should be $625 * (1 + 40%)
= $625 * 1.4
= $875
(2)(a) Let the cost of the digital camera for the audio video shop be $x
$x * (1 + 30%) = $10309
1.3x = 10309
x = 7930
The cost of the digital camera for the audio video shop is $7930
(b) Let the cost of the digital camera for the manufacturer be $y
$y * (1 + 22%) = $7930
1.22y = 7930
y = 6500
The cost of the digital camera for the manufacturer is $6500
(c) Percentage profit = (10075 - 6500) / 6500 * 100%
= 55%
(3) (a) Let the cost of the fan ans the washing machinie be $f and $w respectively
$f * (1 - 40%) = $242
0.6f = 242
f = 403.33
$w * (1 - 16%) = $2541
0.84w = 2541
w = 3025
The cost of the fan is $403.33 and that of the washing machine $3025
(b) Total cost = 3025 + 403.33 = 3428.33
Total sales = 242 + 2541 = 2783
Total loss percentage = (3428.33 - 2783) / 3428.33 * 100%
= 18.82%
Redo with selling price of fan at $240
(3) (a) Let the cost of the fan ans the washing machinie be $f and $w respectively
$f * (1 - 40%) = $240
0.6f = 240
f = 400
$w * (1 - 16%) = $2541
0.84w = 2541
w = 3025
The cost of the fan is $400 and that of the washing machine $3025
(b) Total cost = 3025 + 400 = 3425
Total sales = 242 + 2541 = 2783
Total loss percentage = (3425 - 2783) / 3425 * 100%
= 18.74%
2009-12-08 4:12 am
我間學校教數係用中文,, 唔色睇英文牙.. 不如你轉做中文先啦?

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