Absentmined ???

2009-12-08 3:10 am
M: Do you think Tara took your notebook?
W: Yes, but I think it was a mistake. She ( would or had ) never have taken it on purpose, she ( is or has ) just absentmined.
Q: What does the woman think of Tara?

我已查了字典,但還不明,可不可以每句用解釋,,I'd be grateful.

回答 (3)

2009-12-08 4:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
<absentminded心不在焉> 糊里糊塗的拿走了.


absentmined是否串錯字?! <absentminded心不在焉>

Can I halp you???^V^sweet smile
2009-12-08 9:09 pm


2009-12-08 4:05 pm
M: 你認為 Tara 拿去了你的筆記簿嗎?
W: 是的,但我認為那是無心之失吧。Tara 是不會特意取去它的,她是太粗心大意了!
Q. 那婦人怎樣去評價 Tara 的為人呢?

A mistake 是過錯。但「無心之失」也是過錯呢!
To do something on purpose 是「特意」去做某事了。
Would have never 雖有假設之意,但這裡是對 Tara 的支持。那婦人以 would have never 去表達對Tara 的信心:她不會特意拿去別人的筆記簿的。
Absent-minded 是復合的 adj. 很少以一字出現;多是以 hyphen 連起來的。
To think of 在這裡有批評之意。就譯如上吧!

The English version should be:
M: Do you think Tara took your notebook?
W: Yes, but I think it was a mistake. Tara would have never taken it on purpose. She is just absent-minded.
Q. What does the woman think of Tara?

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