英文 翻譯

2009-12-07 8:16 pm

頭3 日的行程就係布里斯本的澳洲羊毛樂園,城市內有 Vintage Cellars 任試澳洲本地酒
雖然布里斯本是一個城市,然而,遊客卻可以在這裏體驗澳洲傳統的牧羊生活。在市區西北面不遠的 Australian Woolshed – 澳洲羊毛樂園。在澳洲羊毛樂園內,遊客可欣賞到樂園悉心安排的剪羊毛表演、牧羊犬表演、羊毛加工過程、獨特的沖茶表演,同時亦有家甚有澳洲本土風味的餐廳。餐廳亦會讓遊客在舞池中跳舞,亦有民歌式的 band show 表演,甚有睇頭。售賣手信的小店舖內有各式各樣的羊和羊毛產品出售,羊毛拖鞋和羊脂護膚品都能在店內找到。

由啤酒到紅酒、以至烈酒,都可以在 Vintage Cellars 找到。Vintage Cellars 是一家全澳洲都有分店的酒精連鎖店,入面有多種澳洲本土出產的葡萄酒,由平價酒到高價酒都應有盡有,客人更可於店內隨便試酒,讓遊客可按預算及自己口味作出選擇。能夠在市區地方試酒已經少有,同時可以試齊全澳洲的酒,實在難得。


到澳洲旅遊,尤其是塔斯曼尼亞,不到酒莊遊覽絕對會後悔。Home Hill Vineyard 專售塔斯曼尼亞的特產 Pinot Noir 葡萄酒,葡萄味濃、容易入口。這家酒莊與其他老字號不同,設計屬新派,多次獲得涼爽地區餐酒的獎項,吸引不少遊客前往。
酒莊設有餐廳,提供各式各樣的新款菜式。用餐時,可付 2 澳元嘗試餐牌上的酒,如喜歡才買一支,之前的試酒費可從中扣取。酒莊以圓型木桶載着一支支的葡萄酒,視覺效果非常震撼。


回答 (2)

2009-12-08 9:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Has just returned from Australia, then on the 7th Department of the Australian tour really good freehand, good relax,
First 3-day visit to the Department of the Australian wool Brisbane park, the city has any trial in Australia for local Vintage Cellars Wine
Australian wool Paradise
While Brisbane is a city, however, the tourists can experience a traditional shepherd living in Australia. In the urban northwest near Australian Woolshed - Australian wool park. Wool in Australia within the park, visitors can enjoy the park carefully arranged shearing show, sheep show, wool processing, unique tea performances, while some Australian companies have great local flavor restaurant. Restaurants also offer to make tourists dancing on the dance floor, some folk-type band show performances.

Either try the local wines in Australia
From beer to wine, as well as spirits, can be found at Vintage Cellars. Vintage Cellars is a whole chain of alcohol outlets in Australia have, into the surface there are a variety of Australian native wines, from cheap wine to expensive wines are everything, customers can shop easily in the wine-tasting, so that visitors can taste the budget and its own make a choice.

No. 4, had to go to Tasmania on

New School Winery
Traveling in Australia, particularly Tasmania, less than a winery tour will definitely regret it. Home Hill Vineyard sells only the specialty of Tasmania Pinot Noir wine, grape Sauvignon, easy entry. The winery different from other time-honored design is a new style, won many awards table wine cooler areas, attracting many tourists.

Australian culinary experience
Every Sunday, there was quite a crowd, the whole market is full of hawkers and tourists bargaining voice. The food in the market run-length will be someone to take you in Melbourne, exquisite taste of food, such as the native olive oil, authentic pasta, corn, chicken, kangaroo spiced ham and experience local food culture is a good place.
2009-12-08 9:29 pm



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