
2009-12-06 9:44 pm
如果有可唔可以俾我歌詞why我係foxydownload mj d歌有abc 再yahoo冇?

回答 (2)

2009-12-08 9:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
我們是 MJ 歌迷, 自他去世後, 我們非常傷心, 並製作了一只 CD (MP3版本, 長達8小時, 可在電腦播放) 講關於 MJ 悲慘人生的故事及介紹他的歌 (有中文解釋), 由他5歲開始講起, 他如何5歲開始賺錢養家, 如何被控兩次孌童癖案, 如何被人誤解, 直至他去世的一刻,一個全世界被最多人誤解的巨星, 這CD 是贈予知音人的o

不知你對 MJ 有多認識o 我們是80年代的年青人, 我們見証 MJ 事業上的高峰, 及後被傳謀一直打壓而跌下來, 他在音樂史上的貢獻是功不可沒, 他將白人及黑人音樂 cross-over, 打破音樂障礙, 流行樂壇從此不再是白人歌手隴斷o MJ是音樂史上近百年難得一見的一個全能藝術家 (歌精, 舞勁, 懂作曲, 填詞, 創作, 集於一身)o

其實全世界很多歌迷仍然很懷念他, 因 Michael 不僅是一位對音樂充滿熱誠的藝術家,他還是一個人權者, 一個充滿愛心, 他身體力行, 及做了很善事, 非常低調o 如果你認真了解這人, 我想你必定對他著迷o

我的宗旨是要將 Michael Jackson 的歌一直留傳下去, 要將有水準及有心有靈魂的作品介紹給現今的年青人, 要將 MJ 悲慘的一生讓這一代的年青人知道, 一個曾被傳謀在這十幾年一直批判的偉大全能藝人o

MJ每首歌都是用心去寫, 有心; 有靈魂; 有故事; 有訊息; 從他的歌大概可了解 MJ 的內心世界o 如有興趣的話, 請發一個電郵 (Email) 給我, 並寫清楚地址, 我會將CD 其中一段給試聽, 並將 CD 寄給你o 謝謝!
我的電郵地址 (Email Address): [email protected]

ABC 歌詞: (ABC 是 Jackson-5 年代的歌)

(不知何解, Yahoo知識網自動將我編入小學5級, 其實我是成年人, 大專程度)
2009-12-08 2:30 am

You went to school to learn, girl
What you never never knew before
Like"I" before"E"except after"C"
and Why 2 plus 2 makes 4 now now now,
I'm gonna teach you
All about love, dear
Sit yourself down, take a seat
oh All you gotta do is repeat after me
A B C easy as
1 2 3, as simple as
Do, Re, Me, A B C, 1 2 3
baby, you and me, girl
It's easy as
1 2 3 , as simple as
Do Re Mi, A B C, 1 2 3
baby you and me girl
I'm gonna teach you how to sing it out
Com-a,.-a,.e on let me show you what it's all about
Reading and writing, arithmetic
are the branches of the learning tree
but listen
without the roots of love
let me tell you,girl
your education ain't.plete T- T- T-
Teacher's gonna show you
How to get an'A'
spell"me", "you", add the two
Listen to me, baby that's all you gotta do, oh
A B C , It's easy as
1 2 3 , as simple as
Do Re Mi, A B C, 1 2 3
baby you and me girl
A B C it's easy, it's like counting up to 3
Sing a simple melody
that's how easy love can be
that's how easy love can be
sing a simple melody
1 2 3, you and me
Come on now
Shake it, shake it baby, oooh, oooh
Shake it, shake it baby, ah
Shake it, shake it baby, nah nah
Shake it, shake it baby
1 2 3 baby, oooh oooh
A B C baby, nah, nah
Do Re Mi baby
that's how easy love can be
A B C, 1 2 3
A B C, 1 2 3
A B C it's easy, it's like counting up to 3
sing a simple melody
that's how easy love can be
A B C it's easy, it's like counting up to 3
sing a simple melody
that's how easy love can be
A B C, 1 2 3, Do Re Mi
that's how easy love can be
sing a simple melody
1 2 3, you and me

參考: 自己

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