coordinating conjunction??

2009-12-06 4:48 pm
Coordinating conjunction
It is used to link two phrases or clauses which are of the same rank, i.e. their order can be changed without affecting the meaning of the sentence. The conjunctions ( and ) and ( or ) are typical ones showing coordination.

Could anybody translate the sentences above into Chinese? thank you so so much.

回答 (1)

2009-12-15 10:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
大大你好 ~

Coordinating conjunction
It is used to link two phrases or clauses which are of the same rank, i.e. their order can be changed without affecting the meaning of the sentence. The conjunctions ( and ) and ( or ) are typical ones showing coordination.


對等連接詞是用來連接兩個短詞組或分句,而這兩個短詞組或分句都是同一等級的,即是它們的次序是可以更改,而又不影響句子的意思。例如 and 及 or 這些連接詞就是最常用(典型)的那些。


更多 coordinating conjunction 的例子︰

and but or yet for nor so
參考: Yogi

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