Should I tell people if I don't like someone?

2009-12-05 12:27 pm

回答 (7)

2009-12-05 1:22 pm
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I don't think it's a good idea to pretend to be someone's friend when you're actually not, but I also don't think it's necessary to announce to the world that you don't like the person. It serves no purpose other than to be nasty and create resentment. Just keep your distance and leave each other alone.
2009-12-05 8:18 pm
depends who
if they are your friends and they are trust worthy , sure go ahead
why not?
2009-12-05 1:54 pm
You should tell the person you don't like.
2009-12-05 12:36 pm
well if you dont like a person, the worst part would be telling others about it.
however if u tell it to people like your mom,dad,brother or sister it does'nt matter
and finally if your question is about telling the person, then instead of telling him/her that u dont like him/her just simply make a distance..coz u never know when suddenly someone turns out to be good for you or bad for you..hence having a neutral perception--that nobody is too good or nobody is too bad works always...mayb someday that person may prove to be helpful
so its always best to never spoil relationship with any one.

but still if you dont like certain habits of that person, u can be straightforward in that respect
2009-12-05 12:34 pm
blog about it.
2009-12-05 12:33 pm
from personal experience i dont think you should, because they could turn some of your friends against you and you could become hated :)
2009-12-05 12:31 pm
Go ahead. It's no skin off my teeth.

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