
2009-12-06 7:52 am
我睇過好多英文自學書都唔明點用,請大家可否簡單解釋點用?同有咩分別?Would, should, can, shall,will點用在疑問句中? Thank you!!!

can, may, might, should, ought, should have, ought to have would,
was able to, shall, will, needn't, must, mustn't, have to

回答 (2)

2009-12-07 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
1in fact, you can just memorize the meaning of them and you can use them in most ways.
eg can(現在式,解可以)=could(過去式)= is/am/were able to(過去式/現在式/其它時態都好似得)
shall,will(將來式,解將會)= would (過去的將來式)
must= have/had to(過去式/現在式/其它時態都好似得)

2 extra function
would can express order/question in a polite way.
i would like a big one please.
would you like having tea?

3of course, there are a lot of other usages. you have know it when contacting more english but can not say all of them here.
參考: ME
2009-12-06 10:39 pm
你所講述的全是aux. 助動詞.是與v.一起運用,去[幫助/表現]v.的動作.

例: Will you go?你會去嗎? .......You will go. 你會去!

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