
2009-12-06 7:02 am

Hong Kong Secondary School
384-386 Johnston Road,
Wanchai, Hong Kong

3 July 2009

The manger
Best Seafood Restaurant
151 Tsuen Tin Road,
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong

Dear Sir/ Madam:
Low Food quality and Poor Hygiene

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with your hotel low food and hygiene. My sister and I went to a butter dinner at a hotel celebrate my birthday of 1 July 2009.

I am sure you will agree that this level of quality is unacceptable. Although the dinner have many food. But the food was very unpalatable. Come home, I feel sick. I appear to vomit and stomachache. I distrust bring about the food for buffet unhygienic.
I feel very disappointed. In addition, we demand a full refund.

Thank you for your attention. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible to resolve this problem.

Yours Sincerely,

@fatduckshaz 你無野呀?我寫到明要200字以上,緊係功課黎啦!如果真係真既投訴信我就唔會寫到咁,同埋我會用中文寫囉!嘜你認為真係有Best Seafood Restaurant e間野咩? 你覺得香港真係有151 Tsuen Tin Road,Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong e個地址?咁傻啦!一睇就知我e篇野係作出黎架啦!聰明!唔該你唔好懶有學識咁係道串啦!我唔係想潑你冷水,只不過要妳想清楚,串人應該係要清楚曬成件事先串呀!我好欣賞你咁幫人,指出我既不足,不過你咁樣同我講會令我好騮同埋覺得你好自大囉! 最憎d人識dd野就扮曬野咁囉。

回答 (4)

2009-12-06 8:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hong Kong Secondary School
384-386 Johnston Road,
Wanchai, Hong Kong

3 July 2009

The Manger
Best Seafood Restaurant
151 Tsuen Tin Road,
Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong

Dear Sir/ Madam:
Low Food quality and Poor Hygiene

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with your restaurant’s low food quality and poor hygiene. On 1 July 2009, my sister and I went for a buffet dinner at your restaurant to celebrate my birthday.

I had a very bad encounter on the quality of food served. I was pleased at first as the restaurant offers a variety of food for diners to choose from. However, I found the food served unpalatable. I felt sick after I went home. In addition to my situation, I started to develop a stomachache and eventually vomited what I had eaten previously in your restaurant. I am very disappointed with the hygiene level of your restaurant.

I request for a full refund from your restaurant as compensation. I hope that you would look into this matter and resolve this problem as soon as possible.

Thank you for your attention. I look forward to hear from you.

Yours Sincerely,
2009-12-06 4:17 pm


2009-12-06 7:51 am
我希望妳呢封只係功課"信",而唔係認真的投訴信,因為我相信從妳所講妳唔會得到退款,因為妳的理據並唔成立,食物難食並唔需要/唔成理據要求退款. 至於妳食完唔舒服,妳又無即時入醫院及報警,並無任何証明妳既身體不適是因為他們的食物不潔而起,再者只有妳一人出現身體不適,而妳家姐無的話就更明顯他們的食物未必有問題,可能只係妳腸胃過敏,更甚是可能係妳本身已經唔舒服.

anyway has changed it for you just in case you insist to

Food Hygiene complain

I am writing to complain about the unhygienic food in your restaurant.

My sister & I had a dinner buffet at your restaurant on 1 July 2009. I had vomit and stomachache the night right after the dinner. I truly believe it was caused by the unhygienic food I had in your restaurant.

I am writing to bring your attention on the issue and genuinely hope that you can work on it at your earliest convenient.

I am also requesting for a full refund here as the compensation from your restaurant.

I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
2009-12-06 7:37 am
Hong Kong Secondary School

Johnston Road,

Wanchai, Hong Kong

3 July 2009

The manger

Best Seafood Restaurant

151 Tsuen Tin Road,

Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong

Dear Sir/ Madam:

Low Food quality and Poor Hygiene

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with
your hotel’s low
food quality and
hygiene. My sister and I went to a buffet dinner at a hotel, to celebrate my birthday on 1 July 2009.

Although there was much food, the food was very
unpalatable. I felt sick and
vomited after I went
home, and got a stomachache.
I suspect the buffet food
of unhygienic, and feel very
disappointed. I am sure
you will agree that this level of quality is unacceptable. In addition,
we demand a full refund.

Thank you for your attention. I look forward to
hearing from you and
resolving this
problem as soon as possible.

Yours Faithfully,


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