譯英文 thx

2009-12-06 6:51 am
我覺得佢非常courageous, because佢知道長期食麥當勞的食物會有長遠的影響,但係佢堅持完成e個計劃.



回答 (6)

2009-12-06 4:17 pm


2009-12-06 11:50 am
我覺得佢非常courageous, because佢知道長期食麥當勞的食物
會有長遠的影響, 但係佢堅持完成e個計劃.

I think it was so brave of him to persist (堅持到底) in completing the whole program because it was clear to him that long-term consumption of McDonald's food could have far-reaching health effects/ impacts.

peace is always beautiful
2009-12-06 8:58 am

I think he was very dedicated, becasue he insisted in completing this program even though he knew the extended effects of consuming Mc Donald's fast food for a long period of time.
2009-12-06 8:22 am
I think the drainage is very courageous, because the long-term water drainage to know McDonald's food are a long-term impact, but insist on the completion of the Drainage Department of the plan.
2009-12-06 7:50 am
I find him courageous, because of his determination to complete the project despite his awareness
on the health effects of eating McDonalds on a long-term basis.
2009-12-06 7:25 am
I found him very courageous because of his dedication to complete the campaign despite his full awareness of the long-term repercusions of McDonald's food on health.

"覺得"-- 譯成found較think 或 believe給人更肯定的感覺
"堅持"-- 譯成dedication意思較正面
on health- 加字, 令意思完整, 清晰

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