
2009-12-06 4:52 am
(1) 我不是職員,只是義工
(2) 我是幫某某機構賣旗籌款的
(3) 請買支旗

回答 (6)

2009-12-06 7:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) I am not the staff here. I’m just a volunteer.
(2) I am helping XXX Charity Organization to raise funds by selling flags.
(3) Please donate generously.
2009-12-08 3:59 am
(1) I am not the staff member, is only the voluntary worker.

(2) I help (...) organization to sell the flag to raise funds.

(3)Please buy the flag.
參考: yahoo
2009-12-06 4:21 pm


2009-12-06 8:28 am
(1) I am not staff, just volunteers (2) I is to help certain agencies of flag day (3) Please buy a branch flag
2009-12-06 7:36 am
(1) I am not a staff, just only a volunteer.
(2) I am selling the flags for fund raising for (e.g. Yanchai Hostipal).
(3) Please buy a flag.
參考: mine
2009-12-06 4:59 am
(1)i am not a staff , just a volunteer
(3)Please buy a flag
參考: me

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