Let m_n be the number ways to form "mountain ranges" with n upstrokes and n downstrokes that all stay above th?

2009-12-04 10:31 am
Let m_n be the number ways to form "mountain ranges" with n upstrokes and n downstrokes that all stay above the original line. For example, when n = 3,
/∖/∖/∖, /∖/..∖, /..∖/∖, /.....∖, /....∖

Show that m_n = p_n.

........................../∖ ./ = ....../...∖ /.......∖............./......∖


........................../∖ ./.............= ....../...∖ /.......∖............./......∖

回答 (1)

2009-12-06 5:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Given the other question, this is only a matter of establishing, for each n, a bijection between the set of "moutain ranges" and the set of parenthesis sequences with n pairs.

Given a "range", transform it into a parenthesis sequence by associating "/" with "(" and "\" with ")".

I'll leave the detailed verification that this defines a bijection to you.

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