shudder and shaky???

2009-12-05 1:41 am
My shaky hands have finished the first assignment for twenty minutes
I wrote my first assigment shakily yestersay.
I went to backboard to shudder to write my words.
I shudder my body when I am in front of my class write my words.

四句裡面有什麼不對,怎樣將 shudder 變為副詞,如果用名詞又怎用,Thank you everybody help me?
其實我想說:我手震震完成第一次測驗 或 我手震震在黑板上面寫字,但我想用不同時態形容,,最好加點形容詞或副詞,,

回答 (4)

2009-12-05 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry that I have to tell you that all the sentences are called Chin-glish. That is Chinese English.

If you want me to help you, all these sentences have to be re-written.

1. Do you mean your hands shake for 20 mins or your assignment takes 20 mins to finish?

I just guess:

After I have finished my first assignment, my hands keep shaking for 20 mins.

2. This sentence has no meaning at all.

(I was so nervous that) while I was writing my first assignment, my hands were shaking all the time.

Shudder is a sudden shake that cannot be used here. Such as you feel cold and you shudder.

3. I went to the blackboard with my shaking hands.

4. Your body trembled in front of the class and your mouth was uttering with words.

Check if you understand before you submit your work.
2009-12-08 6:17 pm
My (uncontrollable )body was shivering while I was writing on the blackboard in front of my class.
I finished my first term test with my (uncontrollable ) trembling hands throughout.
2009-12-05 7:50 pm
001 excellent comments and advice.

2009-12-05 10:15 am
有d唔明你嘅問題... 但list咗幾個句子... 睇係唔係你想表達嘅意思...

I was so nervous when I did my first test. My hands were trembling throughout the whole

My hands trembled as I wrote on the blackboard.

My fear sent shudders down my spine which caused me to shiver as I wrote my answers on the blackboard.

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