
2009-12-04 5:23 pm



回答 (6)

2009-12-04 6:51 pm
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因此第一係要揀篇英文易既文章去睇 ,生字少d,結構簡單既小學英文文章,睇起來易明d,自然都有趣味d 。每睇完一篇文都有成功感 。自然學英文既傾向大d 。

另外同時要睇下d grammer書 ,當學左既grammer後,會在睇既文章中注意多左自己學既grammer.這些都可令學英文有趣味d。

2009-12-09 5:28 pm
2009-12-08 5:54 pm
真係要落d功夫,睇多d,寫多d,聽多d......(講多d),有位新移民女子,每天聽15~30分鐘的英語,成績由唔合格 ~ 到會考滿分......現在做緊法醫,
2009-12-06 1:30 am
2009-12-06 1:16 am
Stop procrastinating.

Turn off the TV, tune out the rest of the world, sit down

One way of obtaining better grammar and improved written and spoken communication skills is by expanding your vocabulary.

Once you have got to grips with the fundamentals of a language (pronunciation, orthography and basic grammar), you can concentrate on learning vocabulary.

Here are some tactics to try:

To develop a curiosity about the origins, meanings, and various connotations of a given word. Write down a list of words you want to learn, and every few minutes, glance at that list and say the definition of each word aloud

If you find some words you are not very well familiar with, look them up in the dictionary, list them down, The more words you are exposed to, the better vocabulary you will have.create a word list of words you encounter that you don't know. If the word has more than one meaning, write a sentence for each meaning.

Associate the familiar with the unfamiliar
Build mental images or draw pictures based on the connections. For example, the Spanish for "ice" is hielo (m), which sounds like yellow. To remember this word imagine yellow ice. This is an enjoyable method

What can you learn from these?

Falstaff sweats to death,
And lards the lean earth as he walks along.
(From Henry IV, Part 1, Act 2, Scene 2, by William Shakespeare)

Falstaff 福斯泰夫
sweats to death 累死

find pen frds
this bolsters ur confidence when u see that ur American or English penfriend has similar difficulty with spelling and grammar!

Historical literature is an excellent way to find words that aren't often used anymore .Be sure to read things that challenge you and encourage you to grow as a reader . For example, reading speeches by historical world leaders will bring words to the surface that you wouldn't encounter in modern reading material. Don't limit yourself to one era or genre. Each time period or type of literature will introduce you to vocabulary that you still need to learn.
參考: text chatting online. Beads of sweat trickled down my face.
2009-12-05 7:05 am



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