
2009-12-04 9:28 am
天星小輪的起源要追溯至1880年,當時一位名叫 Dorabjee Naorojee Mithaiwala 的波斯拜火教徒成立了「九龍渡海小輪公司」,並以一艘名為「曉星」的蒸汽船開展其載客渡輪服務。1888年報章報道記載當時的渡輪服務每相隔40分鐘至1小時開出一班往返中環畢打街及尖沙咀九龍角,逢星期一及五則暫停服務以便為船隊補充煤炭作燃料之用。至1890年,九龍渡海小輪共擁有四艘單層小輪,不久,這四艘小輪均增設了上層客艙。
因應中區填海第三期工程 (CRIII) 的展開,中環的渡輪服務已於2006年11月12日遷往新填海地區所在的新中環天星碼頭(中環七號碼頭及八號碼頭西泊位)。新中環天星碼頭(2006)除融合了新舊元素外亦凸顯天星小輪之歷史及地標意義;以1912年代的天星碼頭及其鐘樓的外貌作為藍本,將天星碼頭的獨特地標和外觀,重新展現在新中環海旁上。

蠟像館:香港杜莎夫人蠟像館位於亞洲其中一個最著名的旅遊點 – 太平山頂,只需約15分鐘便可由中環前往山頂。

2) 太平山簡介:







回答 (4)

2009-12-04 1:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) The Star Ferry Description: shuttle at the Victoria Harbor is not just the Star Ferry, Kowloon, Hong Kong and the transport system between the crossed an important part of it is also inbound tourists will experience the journey, "National Geographic Traveler Magazine , "once made to take the Star Ferry across the Victoria Harbor tour as the" 50 must-visit attractions in life, "one of the. Take the Star Ferry is one of the most inexpensive high-quality local sightseeing trip.
The Star Ferry back to the origins to 1880, when a Persian named Dorabjee Naorojee Mithaiwala Parsis set up the "Kowloon ferry company" and to a named "Hyosung" and steamships to carry out its set passenger ferry services. Chapter Annual Report 1888 reported that the ferry service at that time recorded for each interval 40-1 minutes headway between Pedder Street, Central, and Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Point, every Monday and five suspended in order to complement the fleet of coal for fuel. To 1890, the Kowloon ferry total of four single-Ferry, and soon, this four Ferry are added upper deck.
Next decade, the Armenian-American businessman Catchick. Paul. Chater Sir bought all small round, and was formally established in May 1898 now widely familiar with the Star Ferry Company, was mainly drawn from the new company name under the name of the vessel fleet includes both the "Star"字.
You can choose to take a bus, minibus, or go to the Peak Tram.
Hong Kong Peak Tower 128 Peak Road, Shop No. P101

2009-12-04 05:52:58 補充:
sorry about due to yahoo word limit pls open my link for the rest of the translation
2009-12-05 7:08 am


2009-12-05 12:47 am
1) The Star Ferry Description: shuttle at the Victoria Harbor is not just the Star Ferry, Kowloon, Hong Kong and the transport system between the crossed an important part of it is also inbound tourists will experience the journey, "National Geographic Traveler Magazine "once made to take the Star Ferry across the Victoria Harbor tour as the" 50 must-visit attractions in life, "one of the. Take the Star Ferry is one of the most inexpensive high-quality local tourist journey.

The birth of the Peak Tram
1883, Hong Kong's population has reached 173,475, while families living in the Peak is only 30-40. Although, as early as 1873, the Peak Hotel has been open for business and attracting high-profile and wealthy elite gentry patronage between Peak still rely on "Car" as the main means of transport. May 1881, Scotsman Alexander Smith • Findlay • ambitious, had proposed the construction of a railway project on Hong Kong Island tram will be Murray House, connect with Victoria Gap, thereby speeding up the Peak area residential development. In 1882, the project received government approval and the establishment of alpine cable car in Hong Kong Railway Corporation. The Peak Tram was May 30, 1888 put into service, becoming Asia's first tramway system, the railway length 1,350 m, half-way total of five stops.
2009-12-04 7:18 pm


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