Help with fleas on my dog? urgent?

2009-12-04 7:30 am
we just discovered my dog has fleas and got it from the neighbor dog. i have heard that they bite humans???what do i do?

回答 (8)

2009-12-04 7:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Capstar tablets will kill the fleas on the dog within 1/2 and hour but they won't rid the house of the flea eggs and larve in your carpet and furnishings.

The vet will give you a quality flea preventative and also you will need to get a good quality all wormer. Dogs with fleas also have tape worm from ingesting fleas.
2009-12-08 4:30 am
It is important to
1) Clean the animals with flea treatments
2) Treat the furniture and carpets
3) Treat the yard

ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Get dogs and kids out of the house and clean the dogs and leave the dogs at the kennel or with a friend
FLEAS DO NOT LIVE ON THE ANIMAL. They get on the animal to feed and then drop off to lay millions and zillions of eggs for their next crop of pests.
I use "7 dust". It's a garden product and is safe to put on fruits and veggie gardens that you are going to eat later (washing of course) But there are other flea powders at the vets and pet stores.
Sprinkle it in the carpet and down into crevasses in the furniture. You can rub the sprinkle into the fabric and carpet and then vacuum. Get rid of the vacuum bag because it now has tons of fleas and flea eggs and of course the 7 dust.
Sprinkle it in the grass/lawn area starting at the house and work your way out so you can potentially driving the fleas away from the house. I put the powder in a jar and punch holes in the lid so I can sprinkle with control.
Having done the above, set off some bombs in the house that are for fleas and ticks. (remove all the children's toys and things they would normally chew on.) Drape a sheet or plastic over their beds and things that cannot be removed from the house.
You will now need to do some thorough cleaning and be sure you wash all the dishes, flat ware, pots and pans. And if the infestation is really bad you may need to do this in 4 to 6 weeks, because any eggs you missed will hatch later.
BUT IT DOES WORK. I love 7 dust, it is relatively cheap and it will not hurt the dogs, I've used it to sprinkle on the dogs. It dries up the ticks and flea.
But I also put the Frontline or Advantix Plus on their shoulders and rump (places they
2009-12-04 3:42 pm
Take your dog to the vet and get flea medication Some of the medications are used according to the weight of your dog, so you have to take it to the vet to get the proper amount. Fleas do bite humans. It's like mosquito bites, but it itches more.
2009-12-04 6:09 pm
dawn dishwashing liquid on the dog
2009-12-04 5:18 pm
To make sure fleas are not an issue there are several things you can do and should do. Yes they do bite humans...they even can get in human hair too...pretty gross!

So since the fleas are already in your home and on your dog you should:

1. Either bomb your house or sprinkle the flea powder on your floors and vacuum it up (I've done the powder and it works great!). That will get rid of the fleas in the house.
2. Either give your dog a flea bath and then keep a flea collar on the dog and bath and change flea collar monthly or if you can afford it give your dog a non-flea bath and buy some advantage or frontline and apply monthly and bath monthly (you can get it at for a reasonable price).
3. And to really knock out the flea
2009-12-04 5:16 pm
Take your dog to the vet so you can be advised a pecific shampoo
2009-12-04 3:47 pm
you need to give your dog a bath with a flea killing shampoo then bomb your house with a bug bomb that kills fleas then use flea prevention on your dog if the fleas are really bad there is a powder you can sprinkle around the outside of your house to prevent fleas from coming near it. this has worked on my rentle propertys and even last summer when my boxer brought home fleas ** be sure to read and follow all directions on the bug bomb to ensure the saftey for your family and that stuff can be deadly if not properly used**
參考: pet owner
2009-12-04 3:45 pm
It's not a huge deal. Go to the vet and buy some Revolution or Advantage. Your dog will probably also need to be dewormed in the near future.

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