
2009-12-03 8:14 pm
1) 生物的答題如何是完美?我地的阿SIR經常說我的答題(問題表達能力)平庸,不能夠在每題拿足滿分,請問有何技巧??
2)how the invention of electronic microscope contribute to the discover of cell ? I write see the cells more clear since the cells cannot see with naked eyes,why no marks are given?

回答 (4)

2009-12-04 2:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
First, you should show that you know the answer to the teacher.(don't say' see the cells more clearly' since this is common sense which everyone know that.Teacher will think that you don't know and write a possible answer.
Second, you should write the answer more specifically,like'we can know the presence of cell wall,nucleus,cytoplasm,dna,chloroplast,',....so on.
I think my answer is not good enough but hope that i can help you.If you know the correct answer please send to me if possible.
my email: [email protected]
參考: self-knowledge
2009-12-08 12:22 am
=w=...ur ans didn't ans the question....

contribute to (u didn't ans q based on this HOW to CONTRIBUTE)

so ur ans should contain how small the organelles in the cell are, and the increasing of larger magnification of elect. microscope is. u also can state we can see larger (eg plant cell) cell under discret microscoope but not the organelles in the cell (coz the max of its magncification onli x4) but elect. could be x100 or even more larger.

u need to explain more and more deep for more score (i didn't get the perfect score b4 too...even tho i got the knowledge and totally understand T_T)
2009-12-04 2:34 am
If you just say " see the cells more clear "
It would be very low marks..
Because it is important for the microscope in the discover of cell.
You are right , since naked eyes cannot see the cells clear , but what is the function of seeing the cell more detailed?
With the microscope , people discover cell and what the cell contains.
With these data , people can have more attestation to discover more and more.
Such as cells in the body...so that it can't improve the Medical development of human . To develop new healing technique. Have more comprehend on human so human control their life .
參考: me
2009-12-03 9:31 pm
我覺得你嘅答案應該要指出electronic microscope 嘅function: magnify images of an object, 就咁寫more clear 唔夠precise
不過, 呢個只係個人猜測, 並不能作準
所以你應該直接向你呀SIR請教, 因為佢先可以exactly講出點解佢唔俾分你

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