里斯本條約 and bno

2009-12-03 6:37 pm
I want to ask does bno has 居歐權 right now?
And I want some evidence ( website) which the british chairman says this.

回答 (4)

2009-12-03 10:22 pm
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I want to ask does bno has 居歐權 right now?

No, of all the British Citizenship, British national Oversea is the only British Citizenship that does not have Residence Right in UK and EU. Other citizenship have both UK and/or EU Residence Right.

Talk are being discuss that NOT ONLY to UK but most other EU member for this fairless issue, as BNO still linger with British Nationality but without actually any Nationality Right on it.

Agreeing with Samstang, Lisbon Treaty is a treaty that respect each EU internal politic, so Lisbon Treaty even passed cannot oversee the actual change of any of the EU Member internal Affair. So even Lisbon Treaty Passed with recgonising BNO Citizenship as a Form of formal British Citizenship. IT will not allow BNO Citizenship holder to hold Residence Right in UK.

However, since it (Lisbon Treaty) respect each EU member State'sinternal Affair, if any of the EU member state recongise BNO as a Full British Citizenship as per Lisbon Treaty Guideline, they (Those EU member state) will admit BNO holder as if they hold other form of British Citizenship and give them residence right, for this, this is not something UK can alter as this is other EU member countries's own internal politic. The key is not to have UK recgonise BNO have UK Citizenship, the key is for other EU member to recongise BNO as part of UK Citizenship and act accordingly.
參考: My wife is an immigration lawyer and international relation professional
2009-12-09 8:39 pm
j_hungary002, so what the story now since there are three countries recoginse BNO (Norway, Iceland and Sweden(EU)) already?
2009-12-04 12:43 am
如BNO可居歐盟任何國家, 那英國立法否定BNO之居英權便枉作小人了.

因歐盟件明文規定, 如果能居歐盟任何國家, 即可居英國. 而英國 作為BNO主權國都不承認BNO是其野生仔,充其量是已外嫁之野生女. 其他國又有何辦法做別人嫁娘? BNO祗有繳費權, 回娘家繳費使錢可以, 但不能賴皮不走, 如非港人示威抗議, 連入英國返外家都要簽證; 完全沒有公民權之殖民地旅行証而已.
2009-12-03 9:08 pm
BNO 持有人肯定沒有居英權, 更沒有居歐權.

有沒有居留權是發証之主權國家授與, 與歐盟完全無關.

由於英國政府本身在1997年前公開修例, 不再承認海外之英籍人士有居留資格,目的就是不想海外人士造成他國家之包袱, 大量湧入英國, 造成他們財政負擔.

歐盟條約是尊重各國內政原則, 不能過問此事. 而葡萄牙並未修例, 故澳門前居民持葡萄牙護照即可有居歐權; 其分別在此.

里斯本條約基於互相尊重內政之憲章, 完全沒有隻字提居留權問題, 這是100%肯定的.

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