How to tell a friend they can't sing good without hurting their feelings?

2009-12-03 2:30 am
My friend is constantly singing around me and she doesn't sing so good. She only sings around her closest friends and refuses to sing in front of anyone else. For example, our class is performing a song in 2 weeks and she doesn't want to sing, yet, she wants to become a famous singer. But now she's decided on singing. She told me that she has a singing teacher, though I'm not so sure. How can I tell her that she isn't a very good singer? She is one of my best friends and I don't want to hurt her feelings.

回答 (20)

2009-12-03 2:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sometimes there's no easy way to say it. In fact, as her friend you should really support her, even if you don't believe she can do it. She has got a singing teacher, maybe she'll improve. Try talking to her family, to see if they really think she can sing. Hopefully, they'll say no, and you can try to encourage them to tell your friend the truth.

However, if your friend asks you for your honest opinion, then you should be honest - tell her you don't think singing is her greatest talent and that she should spend more time on something else, maybe acting?
2009-12-03 5:56 am
i can relate to this.. however im saving up money for vocal lessons...
anyway, you CANT tell her she sucks.. that could hurt her so badly,
she might not wanna sing EVER again, i know some people that were discourged
when they were young and now that they aree OLD.. they wish they
didnt let people stop them and wish they couldv helped train their own voices.
what stopped me from singing in public is when i heard my voice on tape.
good god,
i never sang in public again, im starting with vocal lessons so hopefully maby one
day ill get to sing in public again.
if she hears her self on video, than hopefully she wont be TOO discourged.. i was, but i got over it and now im doing something about it, unlike other people...
so yeah, if SHE REALLY WANTS to be fameous....
than she is gonna have to practice...
you think mariah carey was born a natural singer?
im trying to say no one is born a singer, no such thing as
a natural singer, i feel bad for those who give up on themselves and tell themselves they cant sing.

Practice Makes Perfect.

get her on video, mabey ask, can i record your voice? i wanna show my mom how good your voice sounds,

just say something, mabey you can show her once she's done, or you can go home and think of something to tell her before showing her the video, but you have to talk to her before or after the video.

make sure to be encourging, loving and friendly.
telling someone they cant sing could hurt so bad, especially if you love singing and its what she enjoys.

plus we all know we sound like a rock star in our heads when we sing, so why crush her?
lol be easy on her..

=] i hope i helped

{ppl dont be afraid to give me a thumbs up...}
2009-12-03 2:34 am
You don't tell her that. That would hurt her feelings. She may know deep down she is not a good singer, but just enjoys singing.
2009-12-03 2:40 am
I'm a trained vocalist and highly educated in the workings of the voice - singing lessons WILL help her if she goes through with them consistently. Most great singers you hear weren't just born with those abilities, they achieved them with proper training and practice. It's a fact. Have faith and don't bring her down when she could sound amazing someday.
2009-12-03 2:38 am
Who better to tell her than her best friend. If you sang bad you'd want her to tell you, right? Try plugging your ears every time she sings (make sure she sees you do it). If that doesn't work, just tell her her singing SUCKS and if she doesn't quit you're going to have your eardrums removed. Make a joke out of it. Good luck!
2017-01-02 5:36 pm
I have the same thing she sings all the time when my group are trying to work I tell her to stop but she never stops
2016-02-15 3:02 pm
friend sing good hurting feelings
2015-04-06 2:13 pm
I actually had the same problem:
I have a friend is rather anti-social. yet loves to sing.
I might be his first friend. and beside the fact that he's voice originally ain't bad,
he has not the skill and actually sing offtune quite alot.
I did told him its not that bad (compared to many worse singers I've know),
But now he thinks he is super good in singing. like its his only thing he is good with.
*sigh* and now he wants me to listen to him sing all day.
I think slowly tuning down any compliments and make them record themselves will help making them judge their own abilities....
2009-12-03 2:41 am
Do not say nothing no need to hurt her feelings, she's your friend. She really cares what you think so let her sang.
2009-12-03 2:37 am
Ask her to practice in front of her parents next time you are there with her. Tell them about the class singing. Maybe they will help if she's really bad. Be gentle.

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