Minimum watt amp for 2 1000 watt sony xplod subs?

2009-12-02 8:18 am
I need an amp to go with my subs and I need to know the minimum that I'd be able to use

回答 (1)

2009-12-02 5:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm having trouble finding a 1000w (I'm assuming that's max) 10" sony.
The XS-L1046 shows up as 1000w on Amazon, but it's 900w everywhere else. It would be nice if you'd provide the model number.

Anyway - if it IS that sub, or something similar, the rms power rating is 40-350w each, and they're 4 ohms.
Ideally, for a pair you'd want a mono amp that's around 700w rms at 2 ohms, but if you're looking for a bottom dollar option you could also go with a 2 channel amp - one sub per channel.
You can run as little power as you can afford, but you'd probably want at least a couple hundred watts to make it worth your time. The closer you can get to 600-700w total the better they'll perform.
It's a visonik rated for 600w rms at 2 ohms. It has a pair of 25A fuses which indicates it may be short of 600w, but even at 400 or 500 it's a good buy at $70 shipped.
You could probably find something a little cheaper if you look on ebay but you'd probably be buying used.
here's a valor that looks like it should give you some power:
I don't know anything about valor though.

A nice diamond but I doubt it will stay cheap:

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