
2009-12-03 5:35 am

回答 (5)

2009-12-03 5:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think they would like to tell people to protect the earth, they can put up some posters, or put this information online.
2009-12-12 7:26 am
I thought they want to tell the people to protect the Earth, they may post some playbill or place this news on the net.
2009-12-04 2:21 am
I think that they would like to tell people to protect the Earth, they can post some posters or the news is put on the Internet.
2009-12-03 11:22 pm

2009-12-03 8:58 pm
I think if they want to arouse people’s concern on saving the planet earth, they can post posters or upload the message onto the Internet.
參考: hkslot

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