
2009-12-03 3:13 am
Is facebook good?
fast,i am in a hurry

回答 (6)

2009-12-03 3:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
宜家好多人都有玩 facebook, 幾hit下...

主要原因係可以o係網上識人, 八下人地d野...
除左一d個人資料外, facebook仲可以畀你放好多自己既野, 例如photo 等等, 有好多小遊戲, 網友可以留言畀你...好多好多垃雜野...

facebook就好似一個虛擬既人脈網絡, 你可以透過fd識fd, 類似xanga既subscription咁, link黎link去, 同一般交友網站唔同既係, 多數o係facebook 既fd, 都係你既fd既fd(既fd既fd....), 係有關係既.
2009-12-03 5:37 am
而家冇乜人冇facebook.... 拒可以找返好多舊朋友....
2009-12-03 4:36 am
Yes ofcourse!
I have play!
2009-12-03 3:33 am
I think facebook is good because it has many games,tests and somethings else.

You can also ask your friends to use.

You can share your photos,your mood and some special things to your friends.

Hope can help you~
參考: Myself
2009-12-03 3:29 am
erm....i can't tell u , 'cause everybody has ther own favourite....

I like facebook's quiz....It's fun. But ther is game too....i thought they are boring///
2009-12-03 3:20 am

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