MBA program

2009-12-03 12:56 am
I graduated a degree in Business Administration and I'm now is a Human Resources Office in my company. I want to change my working environment to a bigger company since I work here almost 10 years. But I can't change, because I don't have degree in Human Resources Management. Therefore, I'm planning to study a MBA program to enhance my value, any comment for me with the following University:
1) Upper Iowa University
2) University of North Carolina, Charlotte
3) European University
4) University of Northern Iowa

The above item 2 is the most expensive school of HK$188,000. Item 3 is cheapest of HK$68,000. And item 1 can choose major in Human Resources Management, I interesting with this major, but someone said that if MBA major in HRM is meaningless. Please give me comment about my future career.

Thank you very very very much.

回答 (2)

2009-12-03 1:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
why you choice the above 4 university?

If you choice oversea degree, suggest MGSM in HKMA

Master of Management in Human Resource Management
Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Sydney

Commencement Date:

8 Jan 2010

Deadline for New Application:

28 Nov 2009

If you choice local degree, suggest OUHK

Master of Human Resource Management

2009-12-04 12:48:00 補充:
hkma 難 pass 才有認受性,ouhk 出名易入難出,你可畢業便証明你有料,轉工機會都大些
參考:, hkma 難 pass 才有認受性,ouhk 出名易入難出,你可畢業便証明你有料,轉工機會都大些
2009-12-03 1:57 am
I have never heard of European University. Among the other three schools, UNC (item 2) is the best.

However, I don't think you need a degree in HR to get you into big company. Ten-year experience is better than that. I also suggest you to brush up your English skill as it definitely is a plus for your career.

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