想去加拿大讀護士, 有護士經驗

2009-12-02 9:59 pm
我係登記護士, 中七程度, 做護士有2年, 想移民加拿大, 但想讀practical nurse 或讀u, 本身唔係理科, 甘會唔會好難入? 有咩學院或者大學會收? 聽人講話加拿大讀health 係好困難, 係唔係ga? 學費係大概要幾多$$$ ? 畢業之後可唔可以申請移民呢?

回答 (4)

2009-12-03 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
First, you need to know, studying in Canada does not land you Permanent Residence or Migration to Canada, this 2 are very different thing. You may study in Canada, but to migrate there after you study, it is on a complex factor.

但想讀practical nurse 或讀u, 本身唔係理科, 甘會唔會好難入?

Yes, you will need to study from ground up, that mean high school stuff. You will need to study 1 or 2 years foundation in Canada first, before you even get into University. 1 or 2 years is depend on your F7 result and your English Lv.

Afterward, you will be having to intake to Canadian university, which university and which subject is based on how well you do in Foundation.

學費係大概要幾多$$$ ?

about 20,000CAD per year. excl. living expense.


There are 2 way to applyMigration after you finish your study.

1. Visa skill migration.

Skill Migration require you to pass a Point test, however, passing the test does not gurantee your successful migration. You still need tomatch your skill to Canadian Skill shortage list, which listed in their government paper every year. Skill keep changing so no point telling you will nursing be on the list when you graduate.

There is a quota system, so if you are in the skill list, youwill be process first, if there aren't any more people applying inside the skill list and there is quota left, then they will consider non-skill listed application.

Overall, you will need to work in Canada or else where to qualify for point test. You also need to speak good english and/or french to pass point test.

2.) By employment.

This is very hard. First, you need to look up if your skill need a labour permit, if you do ,you need to apply it first, but the thing is, you cannot apply it yourselve, you need a sponsor to apply it for you.

When you applied the Labour permit your boss can then sponsor you for migration. The catch is, you cannot leave your job for 5 consecutive years. So, go figure.

2009-12-03 11:21:18 補充:
I misread your question, i though you were asking about Registered Nurse

Practical Nurse is very hard to Migrate. Cos it is equivent to EN status in HK. IT does not have University Qualification (Less point in point test) and does not qualified for Loabour Agreement.
參考: Just got Canadian Permanent Resident in 2007 by Skill migration
2009-12-06 1:54 am
2009-12-03 8:46 pm
由於閣下並非香港註冊護士(RN), 加拿大對於登記護士(EN)並不重視. 閣下要在加拿大取得移民資格, 一定要讀正式U之護理學, 畢業後, 才被認可.

入U是你唯一選擇, 因讀PN COURSE, 並不合你之所需. 由於加拿大之護理系或HEALTH都屬醫學院, 故收費都很貴, (約C$18,000.- $20,000/年), 但收生比讀其他醫科易, 閣下如非理科畢業, 可試入某些COLLEGE, 再轉入U. 並希望他們接受你已有2年EN經驗.

我相信香港EN去加拿大, 最難是英文/和英語. 兩者都是很重要, 你在入學前要先考好TOFEL 或 IELTS.

此外加拿大新規定,即使在加拿大畢業, 申請移民都要考英文, (相等IELTS 第6.5級)

在加拿大註冊成為護士, 99%都可批移民了.( 除非英文不合格)
2009-12-03 12:21 pm
I'm currently in Vancouver and taking the Practical Nursing program now.
If u are to take the PN program, u will only need to go to colleges (which have relatively lower admission requirements than uni) cus uni here don't offer PN course anyway. on the other hand, most uni here dont accept international students to take Registered Nurse program
Whether it's difficult depends on yr english level, and the school fee is around Ca$ 20,000/ yr for international students (and different colleges may vary)
u can apply for immigration AFTER u've worked here as a practical nurse for a year
hope it helps! =]

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