
2009-12-02 6:06 pm


回答 (4)

2009-12-02 6:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Excuse me for sending you the pictures so late,

since my work usually got busy at the end of month.

thank you again for waiting patiently.

Hope you had a great time in Taiwan.

不確定是不是真正翻到你想要的意思,但是希望有幫到你的忙 :)
參考: 自己 (現在在美國念書)
2009-12-02 6:42 pm
Sorry for sending you the photos so late, as my work usually gets quite busy towards ends of the months

Hope you had a great time in Taiwan.

參考看看拉 簡潔有力~~
參考: 自己
2009-12-02 6:41 pm
I am sorry that I give these photos to you late. I was extremely busy in the end of this month that causes the delay. Hope you can understand.

Wish you have a wonderful memory for traveling in Taiwan this time. -對別人說的
Hope to have a wonderful memory for this trip in Taiwan.-對自己說
2009-12-02 6:19 pm
sorry~i didn't gave you the pictures on time because i was busy in the end of the month
pleases forgive me.
I hope you have a wonderful time in this trip.

2009-12-02 10:19:35 補充:
didn t

2009-12-02 10:20:40 補充:
I hope you had a wonderful time in this trip. 修正
參考: meme

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