Which is faster, utorrent or miro?

2009-12-02 6:24 am
What is the user experience for everyone? Utorrent or Miro? I am talking about transfer speed only.

回答 (6)

2009-12-02 12:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A few months ago, I tested both uTorrent and Miro (among others) on 30 different torrents. uTorrent was one of the 5 bittorrent clients that performed excellently on all 30 torrents.

Miro performed as well as uTorrent on many of the torrents, but on several of the large swarm torrents Miro had slower speeds than uTorrent.

Also, Miro has considerably more RAM and memory use than uTorrent. Miro is also missing some basic bittorrent features.

More information here:
Best Free BitTorrent Client
2009-12-02 8:14 am
i think you use bit comet. It downloads at a speed of 110kb/s or more
2009-12-02 6:51 am
uTorrent 2.0 Beta supports uTP protocol which can prevent your ISP from throttling your torrent speeds. I would use that. 2.0b also has a monthly banwidth cap feature which is nice.
2009-12-02 6:36 am
Your Connection Will Be The One To Give You The Performance But In Easy Of Use And Features Go With µTorrent
2009-12-02 6:28 am
I like utorrent
2009-12-02 6:27 am

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