Need help with the area of an isosceles triangle?

2009-12-02 2:56 am
Hi, with only the perimeter given of an isosceles triangle, how do you find out what the area of an isosceles triangle is?

No, no length - just the perimeter of the triangle. I've been thinking for a while - wondering if I can algebra to solve it.

回答 (3)

2009-12-02 3:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
x = the length of the sides of the same length
y = length of the other side

(y/2) (square root(x^2 - (y/2)^2))

the (square root(x^2 - (y/2)^2)) is the height of the triangle and y is the base and 1/2 is from the formula area = (1/2)*base*height for a triangle
2009-12-02 3:06 am
If given only the value for the total perimeter, the area cannot be determined.

If the value of each side is known, A = √[s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)] where s = (a+b+c)/2
2009-12-02 3:03 am
Are you given the lengths of the sides?

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