
2009-12-01 8:48 am
Summed up I is likes this movie very much, first in movie's stunt andthese shocked the disaster scene like made my body same

feeling toreceive, the tense plot made me feel the oppression, but could not butwatch the complete movie. Next, this is one has

the pedagogical meaningmovie very much, he through narrated that humanity's under nature tiny,cannot stand off the natural

disaster, admonishes us to treasure andcherish the terrestrial environment, otherwise the fate has one,vanishes on the Earth!

Therefore we should treasure the terrestrialenvironment in the
real life!!Finally, in the entire movie, I through realized that

lead Jake to wasnot abandoned inside the danger to the son, has learned a truth, wasmust treasure and cherish the person

and the matter, because the lifewas variable, anybody could not
forecast that tomorrow will have anymatter, must therefore learn to

回答 (6)

2009-12-01 9:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
To sum up,
I liked this movie very
much, firstly the movie's stunts and the shocking disaster scenes were
just like things in reality, the tense plots made me feel the oppression,
could not help watching the complete movie. Next, this is a very meaningful movie, through
narration that humanity is tiny under
nature, could not stand off the
natural disaster,
advised us to treasure and cherish
the terrestrial environment, otherwise there
is only one fate: vanish on the Earth!

Therefore we should treasure the terrestrial environment
in real life!! Finally, in the entire movie, realization that led Jake to save
his son in a danger, had learned a truth, was must treasure
and cherish the people around us and their connections, because the life was
variable, anybody could not forecast what
would happen tomorrow, must therefore learn to treasure.
2009-12-02 5:02 pm


2009-12-01 6:33 pm
1.Summed up I like this movie very much, especially in movie's stunt and shocked disaster as same as living in the scene.

Sorry for too many grammetic mistake you try to send whole description in Chinese version is better.

Thanks a lot
2009-12-01 6:04 pm
2009-12-01 9:43 am
Your sentences??????? If you call them have too many problems.

You need to rewrite all of them before someone can help you. Otherwise, that is not your work. Unless you are hoping someone to do the work for you.
2009-12-01 9:18 am

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