Summed up I is likes this movie very much, first in movie's stunt andthese shocked the disaster scene like made my body same
feeling toreceive, the tense plot made me feel the oppression, but could not butwatch the complete movie. Next, this is one has
the pedagogical meaningmovie very much, he through narrated that humanity's under nature tiny,cannot stand off the natural
disaster, admonishes us to treasure andcherish the terrestrial environment, otherwise the fate has one,vanishes on the Earth!
Therefore we should treasure the terrestrialenvironment in the
real life!!Finally, in the entire movie, I through realized that
lead Jake to wasnot abandoned inside the danger to the son, has learned a truth, wasmust treasure and cherish the person
and the matter, because the lifewas variable, anybody could not
forecast that tomorrow will have anymatter, must therefore learn to