My occupation???

2009-12-01 7:55 am
My occupation is retailing. I am a salesman which needs wearing a uniform. My company main sales all kind of adult cloths and trousers. My job duties include explaining material of cloth., introducing fit cloth for my customer and cashier.

我的行業是零售業,我係一個需穿統一制服的 salesman. 我的公司主要 sale 不同種類的成人衣服和褲子,我的工作責任是講解衣服的質料,介紹合適的衣服給客人,還有收錢.

看看我打的英文 grammar 有什麼不對..謝謝各位知識友...thanksgiving..

回答 (3)

2009-12-01 10:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am a salesperson of a retail company and I have to wear the uniform.

*** retail 本身就是形容詞, 而 retailing 是"零售業" 的意思, 不要畫蛇添足.
*** 句中的which 是company 的關係代明詞, 那麼公司何來需要穿制服. 改正的方法有兩個, 如下:
1.) 在 needs 後面加入對像即一個 object, 例如: the staff. 因此改為......which needs the staff to wear uniforms.
2.) 索性把 which needs wearing 改為 and I have to wear the uniform.

My company mainly sells all kinds of adult clothes (including shirts and trousers) .

*** sale 是名詞, 不能加個-s 當動詞用, 要改為 sells.
*** 另外 clothes 是衣服是已經包括了所有上身和下身的服飾, 勉強可加入 including shirts and trousers.

My (job) duties are to describe the clothing materials, suggest or recommend suitable clothings for our clients and collect the payments.

*** job 可以省略, job duty 通常用於招聘廣告或者個人簡歷 (resume).

以後只要在注意一下詞類, 和在語句運用時不要過份口語化就可以了.

2009-12-02 4:55 pm

2009-12-01 8:35 am
I am a salesperson in a retailing company which needs wearing a uniform. My company mainly sales all kind of adult clothes and trousers. My job duties include demonstrating fabrics., introducing suitable clothes to my customers and collect payments.

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