N/A等short form問題

2009-12-01 6:47 am
我想問仲有咩常用既Li類既short form??
好似N/A, W/O etc~~

回答 (3)

2009-12-01 9:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
N/A = not applicable

w/o = without

p.a. = per annum

PA = personal assistant

P.T.O. = please turn over

c.c. = copies to

a.s.a.p = as soon as possible

r.s.v.p. = (French) repondez s'il vous plait (=please reply)

Ltd. = limited

qty. = quantity

no. = number

Inc. = incorporated

re = with reference to

a/c = account

approx. = approximately

attn. = for the attention of

pls. = please

thx. = thanks

mth. = month

@ = at

Jr. = junior

B.C. = Before Christ (公元前)

A.D. = Anno Domini (公元)

C.O.D. = cash on delivery

E.T.A. = estimated time of arrival

C.E.O. = Chief Executive Officer

A.G.M. = annual general meeting

E.G.M. = extraordinary general meeting

A.O.B. = any other business

G.D.P. = gross domestic product

G.N.P. = gross national product

V.A.T. = value added tax

I.O.U. = I owe you

PR = public relations

希望幫到你 !
2009-12-02 4:57 pm


2009-12-01 10:23 pm
N/A = not applicable / not available

w/o = without

w/i = within

b/w = between

p.a. = per annum

PA = personal assistant

PT = personal trainer

P.T.O. = please turn over

a.s.a.p = as soon as possible

r.s.v.p. = (French) please reply

w.r.t. = with respect / reference to

COD = cash on delivery

AOB = any other business

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