My company???

2009-12-01 5:43 am
I work in a retailing company. I am a salesman. My company is based in centre of Hong Kong which have five branch from 香港各區. Every company has twelve staff but main company has twenty. My company is located in Causeway bay.

我在零售公司工作,我是一個 salesman. 我的總公司在香港中環,還有五間分行座落香港各區, 每一間公司有十二名員工,而總公司則有二十名員工, 我工作地點就在銅鑼灣.

唔該幫我改改 grammar..thank you so much.

回答 (4)

2009-12-01 8:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
I work in a retailing company. I am a salesman. My company is based in Central District of Hong Kong. It has five branches in different Hong Kong locations. Each branch has
twelve staffs and the headquarter has twenty. My company is located in
Causeway Bay.
(跟中文翻譯- My office is in Causeway Bay).

Hope this helps...
2009-12-05 8:10 am
I work in a retailing company. I am a salesman. My main company is based on the centre of Hong Kong which has five branches from all over Hong Kong. Each branch has twelve staff but the main company has twenty. My branch is located in Causeway Bay.
2009-12-02 5:07 pm

2009-12-01 7:53 am
I work in a retailing company. I am a salesman. My company is based in the centre of Hong Kong which has five branches from 香港各區. Every company has twelve staff but the main company has twenty. My company is located in Causeway bay.

2009-12-04 00:05:08 補充:
staff 係唔可以加s

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