Everythng look different??

2009-12-01 12:42 am
W: At first I thought this cloth was yellow but now it looks green to me.
M: You were right the first time. It is this blue light in the store that makes everything look different.
Q: According to the man what color is the cloth?

第二句,為什麼 it is this blue light....點解唔用 It is blue in the store...
第三句 怎樣解,,答案是否綠色...

回答 (2)

2009-12-02 12:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
"It is THE blue light that MAKES everything look different".

意思即係, “是那藍燈使得所有東西都變得不一樣!”, 暗示, 若不是因為那藍燈的存在, 那布本該是黃色的!!

所以一定要用 “THE”黎直指出”在舖頭裡的那藍燈”, 而不是世上所有藍燈; 而后面的”MAKES”正好表示究竟”那藍燈”對塊布的影響 --- MAKES it look green!

參考: Myself
2009-12-01 1:10 am
因為係個blue light 藍燈令到件cloth看上去不同
blue+yellow=green所以w看到green 但其實件cloth是yellow的
參考: me

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