Is my friend taking it too far with this attraction?

2009-11-30 2:09 am
My friend has been talking about how hot he thinks his teacher his. He keeps saying he fantasizes about her and he worships her. He said he likes walking past her room having excuses just to walk by her and at the end of the day waiting to see her leave, he said he wants to buy the yearbook and school newsaper just to oogle and at any pictures of her in them, saying "pictures of my hot teacher are like what pornography is to other people. Worst of all, he said he wishes she was a pedophile and if she wanted to rape him he'd be all for it, and he also said he hopes her boyfriend dies painfully. This sounds kind of funny but also weird to me. I guess you could find a teacher hot, but still. Is this normal, or has he gone too far?

friend is 16 teacher is about 26

回答 (21)

2009-11-30 2:17 am
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The thing is, he's a guy. pretty much all boys have some hot teacher that they fantasize about and think "wow i wish she'd just do me!"
most of the time they don't voice it though. I don't think its weird that he's thinking that but it is kind of odd that he tells you about his fantasy and crush.
2009-11-30 2:13 am
i think he went a little overboard with that pedophile comment. and even with that 'boyfriend dies painfully' one. that is just a bit too extra. try to find your friend someone his own age before he does anything stupid. it would be good for him.
2016-10-17 4:50 pm
human beings adventure their first actual "weigh down" in lots of distinctive techniques. some human beings bypass all cutesy with it, and others can take it to an severe that can commonly be viewed as an obsession. on a similar time because it might look extremely demanding, it ought to easily be him going interior the direction of the motions of his first actual weigh down and isnt too constructive a thank you to channel that. Its no longer uncommon for human beings to be experiencing this for for the 1st time with a instructor. only be a chum and attempt and pay attention for any indicators and indications. Lusting after somebody able to authority is regularly occurring, yet whilst he starts turning out to be -too- obsessive and starts making unusual acts in the direction of her, you could might desire to alert somebody to the area.
2009-11-30 2:20 am
Sweetheart this isn't funny, it's creepy :[ it's normal to think your teacher is hot believe me i have some of the hottest teachers that go to my school but its not normal to do or say stuff like that. you need to talk to him or talk to the teacher about this
2009-11-30 2:19 am
very normal for guys to think about their teachers like this when they are in high school. i just met with a friend of mine and we both discussed how we had felt about one of our teachers over ten years ago. he does need realize that this will not happen when he is 16. he needs to move on and start dating girls his own age.
2009-11-30 2:19 am
its normal but i think he went a little overboard with the comments
he sounds like a creeper!
2009-11-30 2:14 am
A 16 year old boy doesn't know ****. Sorry, but its the truth. He is just being a sex-crazed little boy.
2009-11-30 2:13 am
Yes way too far it isn't normal for students to fantasize about a teacher
2009-11-30 2:13 am
Yes it is normal to feel this way, but he should never take action with these kinds of feelings
2009-11-30 2:15 am
it's somewhat normal,he is wrong with wishing someone dead though,it shows he has a bit of a cruel heart.Don't worry to much unless he does something stupid,like maybe trying to steal her panties or something like that.

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