go to england study U

2009-11-30 5:44 am
I am a F.3 student now.I did very normal in many subject besides english and maths.My English is very good in my form and my maths is bad.My Geograhy is kinda good.I just wondering can i get into a university in England in this case?

and if i can,which university is suit for me?I wanna know more inform about university life in UK and what i need to prepare before i get into a university in UK(if i can).

How much is it for me to study in UK(my dad work for the HKG)?And can i work there while i am studying?

回答 (1)

2009-11-30 4:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 你而家只係f.3, 其實咁快講大學, 真係太早了, 你一個public exam 都冇take, 大學係唔會consider 你的, 而你provide 既info 只係英文係好, 數學係唔好, geog 係中等... = =" 咁黠可以話到俾你知入唔入到大學呢? 你要考左public exam 先, 有左個grade, 咁先可以睇到, 你既成績係meet 唔meet 到大學既requirement... 而家講真係言之過早了...

2) 如果你真係想去英國讀書, 最好就早一d 過去, adapt 左果一邊既生活先, 係英國考埋個gcse 同gce, 咁就睇下再係唔係英國讀大學了..而家要話你知, 點樣prepare, 真係太早了, 可以講既係, 而家你要先讀好個書, 有好既成績, 先會有大學俾offer 你, 而家既gce 係英國, 好多人都會有4 - 5 個A 既.. 咁呢, 要同佢地compete一個大學既entry, 係會難的. 所以你而家仲係f.3, 所以, 努力左先, 咁先會有條件同佢地compete.

3) studying in the uk, 如果係high sku 呢, 一年就25萬hkd, 而如果你屋企人係公務員 (唔知你work for the hong kong 係咩意思) 係會有sponsor, 都要20萬hkd 度啦, 而呢, 係英國讀大學, 係depends 你讀咩大學, london uni一年要30 - 35萬hkd, 公務員會冇sponsor, 而呢, 係其他地區, 都會有要25 - 30萬hkd一年的.. 你可以邊讀邊做野, 但係會好辛苦. 同埋會affect你成績的..

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :)

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