✔ 最佳答案
Faith is the presider of fate.
The weak wait for chances, but the strong create chances.
The secret of success lies in: You are ready when the opportunity knocks at your door.
Success is the amplification of the merits but failure is the accumulation of the demerits.
5. 完成一個小目標,會把自己推向一個大目標
To accomplish a minor ambition will lead you to a major ambition.
6. 放棄者不會勝利,勝利者永不放棄
The abandoners won't win and the winners won't abandon.
7. 要像鐵鎚和釘子一樣,永遠向著定點努力
We should work hard to the pinpoint like hammer and nail.
8. 別人短處,掩蓋幾分;別人過失,包容幾分
We should cover up other people's shortcomings and tolerate their faults.