英文週記翻譯.. 聽日要交! 15點!

2009-11-30 3:11 am
英文週記,, 幫我將以下既文字轉為英文,, 非常感謝幫我翻譯既人=))

星期五,是學校的頒獎典禮。那天只需要派代表要出席,我班派了5個班代表出席,而我幸好沒有被抽中。我可以連續放假三日。星期五, 我和朋友到戲院看電影。還要看最早的一場。那天我還是要這麼早起床,那跟平時上學的時間有什麼分別呢?還以為可以比平時遲起身,真可惜~ 希望很快又到假期!

幫我翻譯! 聽日要交! 唔該~

回答 (2)

2009-11-30 8:22 pm

2009-11-30 3:52 am
On Friday, it is a awards ceremony of the school. Only needed to send representatives to attend that day, our class sent 5 representatives to attend, in fortunately I am not smoked. I can have a holiday for three days continuously. On Friday, friend and I go to the theatre to see the film. It depends on the earliest one. I want, get up early so that day, that what departure does it have with time that go to school usual? It can think still stand up than usual late,what a pity hoping quickly to vacation!
參考: 自己

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