IBIS Hotel Booking(快乐20价格)

2009-11-29 9:57 pm
我於22/11在IBIS Hotel個Web用20 Promotion(快乐20价格) book巴黎北站宜必思酒店5天(29/12 to 3/1),於担保政策上Full amount of stay is payable in advance by credit card at booking time,但是我的Credit Card沒有扣錢,而於IBIS Hotel個Web就check有booking Confirmation,請問有誰試過?

我之前也於IBIS Hotel個Web用30 Promotion(快乐30价格)book London Ibis Hotel,即日已扣錢, 今次到現在我還沒有得到Hotel的回覆,我可以點合做?


回答 (2)

2009-11-30 2:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Credit Card is just for gurantee payment. In case you no show, they will charge you the hotel fee. SO, u need to pay when you check in. If the booking is confirm, there is a reference number or code. You can retrieve your record to make any change from the official website.
2009-12-13 9:16 am
唔係間間酒店都即時扣你信用卡既數, 有d會等你住完之後, 下一期visa card statment 先會扣數.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:58:50
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